U.S history1 Alyssa Mello Final

  • George Washington

    He was the first presidant of the Untied States.
  • whiakey rebellion

    the u.s started a tax protest for farmers that sold their grain in the form of whiskey had to pay tax this made the farmers really upset. they rebulled against it and started fighting. it was important because it was the first time that the farmers ever tryed to change their way of living.
  • John Adams

    John Adams was the 2nd presdiant of the U.S in 1797-1801
  • Thomas Jefferson

    (1801- 1809) he was the 3rd presidant of the u.s
  • marbury v. madison

    this was a court case that decleared the concept of the judicial review, it brought the judicial branch on a more even power basis with the legislative and executive branches
  • Louisiana Purchase

    thomas jefferson pirchased the louisiana territory in order to remove frances presence in the region and to protect both u.s trade acess to the port of New Orleans and free passage on the mississippi river.
  • eli whitney

    he invented the cotton gin
  • cotton gin

    it was a machiean that took the seeds out of the cotton and made the process much faster than doing it by hand
  • war of 1812

    a military conflict between the u.s and the british. no party gained or lost territory
  • francis scott key

    washington lawyer that created the star spangled banner
  • james madison

    he was the 4th presidant of the u.s
  • industrial revolution

    when factory machines replaced hand tools and large scale manufacturing replaced farming as the main form of work
  • missouri comporomise

    an agreement passed in 1820 between slavery and anti slavery states factions in the u.s congress
  • erie canal

    it was the first tansportation system between the eastern seaboard and western interior of the u.s that did not require portage, it was faster than carts that were oulled by anaimals
  • james monroe

    he was the 5th presidant of the u.s
  • john quincy adams

    he was the 6th presidant
  • andrew jackson

    he was the 7th presidant od the u.s
  • indian removal act

    it authorized the removal of indain tribes to federal territory west of the mississippi river
  • battle of alamo

    a house to house fight untill the mexicans surrndered
  • lone star republic

    the republica of texas was an indepentant state in north america boarding the u.s and mexico
  • samuel F.B morse

    he invented the teleograph
  • martin van buren

    he was the 8th presidant of the u.s
  • panic of 1837

    it was a fiancal crisis
  • trail of tears

    andrew jackson's indian removal policy the cherckee nation was forced to give up it's land east of the mississippi river they called this journey the trial of tears
  • william henry harrison

    he was the 9th presidant and he died in office.
  • john tyler

    he was the 10th presidant of the u.s
  • james k polk

    he was the 11th presdiant and the only speaker of the house of representives that became presidant
  • mexican american war

    armed conflict between mexico and america
  • zachary taylor

    12th presidant of the u.s
  • treaty of gaudalupe hidalog

    treaty of peace , friendship , limits and settelment between the u.s and the mexican republic
  • compromise of 1850

    5 bills passed which defused a four year confrontation between the slave states and the free states regarding the status f the territories acquired during the mexican american war
  • kansas-nebraska act

    was to open up many farms and make feasble a midwestern transportation railroad