US History Unit 2 Key Terms and Concepts

  • Immigration

    The action of going to live permanently in a foreign country.
  • Assimilation

    The process of taking-in and fully understanding information
  • Industralism

    The developments of industries in a country or region on a wide scale
  • Rural and Urban

    Region located on the outskirts vs settlements of people
  • Acquisition

    Asset or object bought or obtained
  • Naval Station

    When warships and naval ships are docked when they have n o mission or want to refuel/stock
  • Monroe Doctrine

    U.S policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas
  • Imperialism

    Policyy of extending a country's power and influence through delicacy or military force.
  • Missionary

    Member of religious group set into an somthin' to perform ministries o f service.
  • Henry Cabot Lodge

    American Republican Congressmen and historian
  • Alfred T. Mahan

    U.S naval officer and historian
  • Homestead Act of 1862

    Encouraged Western migration, provided land for people and after five years of living on that land can they keep it
  • Homesteader

    Lifestyle of self-sufficiency
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    1 912 mile continuous railroad line
  • "Civil War Amendments"

    Amendments 13-15 abolished slavery, and gave African Americans rights.
  • Sanford B Dole

    Lawyer and jurist Hawaiian islands
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    The law that prohibits all immigration of Chinese laborers
  • 'Closing of the Western Frontier'

    Director of the U.S Cenous Bureau announced that the frontier was closed.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Journalism based on sensationalism and crude. exaggeration.
  • Klondike Gold Rush

    Migration of prospectors to north western Canada
  • Spanish-American War

    War between U.S and Spain over Cuba.
  • Urbanization

    The process of making a area more urban
  • Theadore Teddy Roosevelt

    Vice President to Monroe, and President after Monroe
  • Americanization

    The influence of American culture on countries outside the U.S.
    Ex. McDonalds in China
  • Great Plains

    Broad expanse of flat land