unit 6 exam

  • Iraq

    Parliamentary Democracy, Jalal Talabani political leader, 7 branches of government, founded in 1920
  • Japan

    Constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government, Naoto Kan political leader , 2 branches of government,and founded in 600 B.C
  • Cuba

    Communism, Raul Castro political leader, 1 branch of government, founded in October 27 1492
  • Venezuela

    Federal Republic, Hugo Chavez Frias political leader, 5 branches of government, founded in 1567
  • Great Britain

    Great Britain
    Constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II political leader, 2 branches of government, founded in 1603
  • Russia

    Federation, Dmitriy Medvedev political leader, 3 branches of government, founded in 1721
  • United states

    United states
    Constitutional Republic, Barack Obama political leader, 3 branches of government, founded in July 4 1776
  • Mexico

    Federal Republic, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa political leader, 3 branches of government, founded in September 16, 1810
  • Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Monarchy with Council of Ministers and Consultative Council, King Abdullah political leader, 1 branch of government, founded in 1932
  • North Korea

    North Korea
    Communism, Kim Jong-il political leader, 3 branches of government, founded in September 9, 1948
  • China

    Communism, Hu Jintao political leader, 5 branches of government, founded in October 1 1949
  • Taiwan

    Multi Party Democracy, Ma Ying-jeou political leader, 5 branches of government,founded in October 1980