Unit 3 project - Modern World History

  • Period: to

    World War 1 Timeline project

    The Great War
  • Franz Ferdinand assassination

    Franz Ferdinand assassination
    On June, 28, 1914. Franz Ferdinand visits Bosnia, during his visit he was almost bombed by a nationalist member in the first place but he luckily dodged it. After that incident, he decide to drive and visits some wounded victims but due his lack of street knowledge, he turned his into the wrong street and were shot by a member of the Black Hand, which had caused WWI to start.
  • Battles of Mons

    Battles of Mons
    The Battle of Mons takes place in Mons, Belgium, with a British Expeditionary Force that numbers about 75,000 fighting an estimated 150,000 Germans in an attempt to hold the Mons-Conde Canal. In the final of four “Battles of the Frontier” held in the first weeks of World War I, the British forces are overpowered and forced to retreat, handing the Germans a strategic victory. Some 1,600 British and 5,000 Germans casualties are reported.
  • The Battle of Tannenberg

    The Battle of Tannenberg
    The battle begins with Russian armies attacking German troops in German East Prussia (now Poland) from the south and the east, which, at first, works. But after intercepting unencrypted radio messages from the Russians, the Germans are able to reorganize their strategy, forcing the Russians into retreat. The Germans pursued the Russians, essentially annihilating the armies with 30,000 casualties and more than 90,000 taken prisoner.
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    The First Battle of the Marne marks an Allied victory about 30 miles northeast of Paris, where the French army and British Expeditionary Force stop Germany’s swift advance into France. With an exhausted and weakened German force that had sent nearly a dozen divisions to fight in East Prussia and Belgium, the German First Army faces a counterattack and is forced to retreat to the Lower Aisne River, where the first trench warfare of the conflict begins.
  • The First Battle of Ypres

    The First Battle of Ypres
    The First Battle of Ypres begins, the first of three battles to control the ancient Flemish city on Belgium’s north coast that allows access to English Channel ports and the North Sea. The massive conflict—involving an estimated 600,000 Germans and 420,000 Allies—continues for three weeks until brutal winter weather brings it to an end.
  • The Christmas Truce of 1914

     The Christmas Truce of 1914
    Dec 24, 1914. Soldiers from both sides put down their weapons, stepped out of their trenches and they met face to face with each other in peace. They were inspired by Christmas Eve and during that time they share, they sang along with each other even though it's just a short amount of time and both side's high ranking commander order them to return or maybe even fire, but it was precious and most of the soldiers fire in the air.
  • Battle of Gallipoli

    Battle of Gallipoli
    Battle of Gallipoli (2/19/1915 - 1/9/1916)
    The Gallipoli Campaign sees British and French troops invading the Ottoman Empire at the peninsula of Gallipoli in the Dardanelles Straits (now western Turkey). The invasion is an effort to control the sea route and seize. As a result with 180,000 casualties, including more than 28,000 Australian soldiers.
  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    On May 7, 1915. The Lusitania ( British supplies transporting ships) were torpedoed by a German submarine because Britain and America were using a passenger ship to secretly transport supplies. This result in 1200 people perished with 128 Americans on the ship.
  • Western Front at Verdun

    Western Front at Verdun
    Feb 21 to Dec 18, 1916
    The battle of Verdun is one of the longest, bloodiest battles of WWI between Germany and France. Germany's attack at Verdun was to drain the French army powers and resources which they have succeeded resulting 550,000 French soldiers died defending Verdun.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    The Battle of Jutland off the coast of Denmark marks the first and only showdown between German and British battleships. After German forces attack the Royal Navy, 250 ships and 100,000 men take part in the bloody fight, with both sides losing thousands of lives and several ships. Although there is no clear victor, Britain is able to secure North Sea shipping lanes and continue a blockade of German ports. This blockade proves pivotal to the Allies eventually winning the war.
  • Western front at Somme

    Western front at Somme
    July 1 - Nov 18, 1916
    - British launched an attack in the Somme River area to pull German troops away from Verdun. Both sides lost a great number of troops; British suffered nearly 19,000 casualties on the first day of fighting.
  • Russia's revolution

    Russia's revolution
    On March 8, 1917. After many losses from the Battle of Tannenberg. Russia had left the war due to Russia's Revolution. Lenin leads the Communist Bolsheviks, they overthrew the Tzar and signed treaty with Germany in 1918 which officially pulled U.S.S.R out of WWI.
  • America enters WWI

    America enters WWI
    • At the beginning of WWI, America's policy was to stay out of Europe affairs and remain neutral. But due to the unrestricted submarine warfare, the sinking of Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram had convinced president Wilson to declare war with Germany.
  • Armistice

    An official end to fighting after years of war. At the same it the war also left behind huge effects and changed Europe such as millions of casualties, boundaries of countries changed, new nations formed and World economy damages.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919 which officially ended WWI and Germany was responsible for starting the war and they have to agreed to pay for all the damage caused by her armies during the war.