Unit 2 Activity 7

  • Women entering the work force in world war 1

    Women entering the work force in world war 1
    Started women off in the workplace/workforce, but some expected women to go back to their traditional roles after the war, and while working they faced many long hard shifts.
  • Jeremiah Jones

    Jeremiah Jones
    Though, this man was black and able to fight in the war, not many others of colour were so lucky
  • Period: to

    Canada enters and fights in world war 1

    Canada was forced into fighting and sending our men to fight in a war that we had not been involved in, but being a ally of British and basically still being run by them, even in our own indecency, we had no choice.
  • Military Service Act

    Military Service Act
    Forced Canadian men to fight in the war that Canada wasn't even involved
  • Vote not extended fully

    Vote not extended fully
    Though women began to gain the vote, during world war 1 only women with male family an loved ones in the war could vote, and later when the vote was granted in 1920’s, women of minority didn’t receive the vote until 1940
  • First Nations Child

    First Nations Child
    First Nations were forced into residential schools where they were striped of their heritage and dignity
  • Inventions in 1920’s

    Inventions in 1920’s
    The 1920's brought on many advancements and inventions:
    Penicillin (Antibiotics)
    Liquid Fuel Rocket
    Traffic Signal
    Insulin - Diabetes
    Home Refrigerators
    Automotive Dishwasher
    Pop-Up Toaster
    Home Air Conditioning
    Sliced Bread
    Many of these inventions started the path for the gadgets and technology we’ve come to rely on.
  • Women’s right to vote

    Women’s right to vote
    At the start of the roaring twenties, women had gained the vote
  • Mary Pickford

    Mary Pickford
    Mary Pickford grew well I'm society and the workplace, and in a time when a divorce could ruin a women's career, she had not only gotten divorced, but moved forward.
  • Josephine Baker

    Josephine Baker
    A black women who thrived in the entertainment Industry in the 1920s