Unit 1 garrett nixon

  • May 30, 1492

    explaration of the purtians

    Why: religius freedom
    Where: england plus america
    events: ships sailed west
    Outcome: Many deaths, New colonies
  • massachusettes

    puritans settled
    became layal in 1691
    new england
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    john wheelwright
    became layal 1679
    new england
  • virginia

    london company
    became a rayal colony in 1624
    sotheren colonies
  • Maryland

    Lord Baltimore
    southeren colonies
    Never became layal
  • connecticut

    Thomas Hoker
    new england colonie
    never became layal
  • Rhode island

    Rhode island
    Roger willaims
    new england colonies
    never rayal
  • delaware

    peter minuit and sweden company
    middle colonies
    never rayal
  • north carolinia

    north carolinia
    southeren colonies
    became rayal in 1729
  • south carlinia

    eight nobles with a rayal charter form charles 2
  • new jersey

    lord berkeley and sir george carteret
    middle colonies
    became rayal in 1702
  • pennsylvania

    william penn
    middle colonie
    never became rayal
  • new york

    Duke of york
  • georgia

    James edward oglethorpe
    sotheren cololnie
    Rayal in 1752
  • new england colonies

    Colonies: Rhode Island, new Happser, Massacusets, Connectct,
    Economie: fishing, lumber, manufatering
    Geography: Trees, Hilly
    Religion: Puritans no religon freedom
  • Middle colonies

    Colonies: New York, Pennsalvania, New jersey, Delaware
    Econimie: Gain, Live Stock, Ship Building
    Geography: Trees, swamps
    Religon: Quakers, cathlics, lutherins, jews, and others
  • sotheren colonies

    Colonies: Verginia, North/soth Caralinia,Mary Land, Gergia
    Ecomime: Farming, Crops, Plantions
    Geography: Flat land, Good farm land
    Reiigon: Baptists and anglicans