Unification of Germany

  • German confederation was renewed

    needham.k12.ma.us/nhsThe collection of small states that made up Germany renewed the German Confederation. A positive of this was trade agreements between the states and lower prices of goods.
  • Photo of Wilhelm

    Photo of Wilhelm
  • Wilhelm I became king of Prussia.

    Wilhelm I became king of Prussia.
    Wilhelm became king of PrussiaThis was a positive because he was a strong leader and helped unite Germany.
  • Bismark is appointed Prime Minister of Prussia

    Bismark is appointed Prime Minister of Prussia
    bbc.co.uk/historyBismark built a strong army and was able to defeat his enemies through "Iron and Blood." Another positive for Germany.
  • Photo of Otto Bismark

    Photo of Otto Bismark
    google.com/#q=picture+of+otto+von+bismarkBismark later became Chancellor of the new Germany. He persecuted Catholics which was a negative consequence. He also helped prevent communism by introducing pensions and insurance.This was a positive for Germany.
  • Death of King of Denmark, Fredrick VII

    eng/resources/documents/misc/57jnvu.htmHis death caused a dispute over the succession and led to the intervention of Prussia and Austria.
  • Prussia defeated Austria

    fsmitha.com/h3/h49-bis2b.htm24th June 1866: Prime Minister Of Prussia, Bismark, provokes war between Prussia and Austria.The seven weeks war ended in the defeat of Austria.
  • North German Confederation formed

    North German Confederation formedNorth German Confederation, German Norddeutscher Bund, union of the German states north of the Main River formed in 1867 under Prussian hegemony after Prussia’s victory over Austria in the Seven Weeks’ War (1866). Berlin was its capital, the king of Prussia was its president. This was good for Germans as it helped in trade between the states and brought stability.
  • France declares war on Prussia

    France declares war on Prussia
    Franco-Prussian WarFrance declared war on Prussia on July 19, 1870 because of a need to have glory and to establish the Bonaparte name as legitimate.
  • German flag

    German flag
    google.com/search?=german+flag+1871The German flag as it looked in 1871
  • The formation of the German Empire.

    The formation of the German Empire.
    Formation of German EmpireAfter France is defeated in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, Chancellor Bismarck proclaimed the German Empire in the Hall of Mirrors. Some people liked the new confederation but others felt like they lost some of their liberty.
  • Prussia defeats France

    FrancoprussianwarThe Franco-Prussian War was waged between France and Prussia and the German states from July 15, 1870 to Feb. 1, 1871 . Prussian would first fight and destroy the armies of the emperor Napoleon, then the newly raised armies of the Third republic . The waralso marked the final step in Germany's rise to the position of a major continental power.
  • Kulturkampf- ( German- 'Culture Struggle."

    britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/324668/KulturkampfThe term came into use in 1873, when the scientist and Prussian liberal statesman Rudolf Virchow declared that the battle with the Roman Catholics was assuming “the character of a great struggle in the interest of humanity.” This was a negative effect of German unification. Many people were discriminated against and catholic churches were shut down.