
U.S. History Shaylee Morzelewski

  • U.S. Govt. Under the Constitution Begins

    U.S. Govt. Under the Constitution Begins
    George Washington is inaugurated.
    George Washington states U.S. neutrality after the French Revolution begins in Paris.
  • First Census

    First Census
    U.S. population totals 3.9 million, including app.
    760,000 African Americans, of whom 700,000 are enslaved.
  • Bill Of Rights Is Ratified

    Bill Of Rights Is Ratified
    First bank of the United States is chartered for a twenty-year period.
    Vermont enters the Union as the 14th state.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    High tax on whiskey caused a protest in Pennsylvania making the tax decrease.
    Britain agreed to withdraw from the Northwest Territory, and the U.S. agrees to pay pre-Revolution debts.
  • "Quasi War" and Alien & Sedition Acts

    "Quasi War" and Alien & Sedition Acts
    France attempts to bribe U.S. commissioners in Paris, sparking the building tension between the nations.
    Eli Whitney opens factory to build rifles for the U.S. government using his system of interchangeable parts.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    Eli Whitney opens factory to build rifles for the U.S. government using his system of interchangeable parts.
    " A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Venture, A Native of Africa" is published.
  • Death of George Washinton

    Death of George Washinton
    George Washington dies in Virginia at age 67.
    Patrick Henry dies in Virginia at age 63.
  • Second Census

    Second Census
    U.S. population totals 5.3 million, including one million African Americans of whom 900,000 are enslaved.
    Federal capital moves from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C.
  • Barbary War Begins

    Barbary War Begins
    John Marshall is appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (1801-1835).
    Tripoli declares war on U.S.; Jefferson sends U.S. ships to the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Louisiana Territory and The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Louisiana Territory and The Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Louisiana Territory is purchased from France for $15 million, nearly doubling the size of the U.S.
    Ohio enters the Union as the 17th state, granting universal manhood suffrage.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    Twelfth Amendment is ratified, providing for separate election of president and vice president.
    Alexander Hamilton is killed by Vice President Aaron Burr in a duel.
  • Ratified 12th

    Ratified 12th
    Twelfth Amendment is ratified, providing for separate election of president and vice president.
    Alexander Hamilton is killed by Vice President Aron Burr.
  • Barbary War Ends

    Barbary War Ends
    Barbary War end after U.S. troops capture Darna.
    Piracy by Barbary States continues until 1815.
  • Ban on Slave Trade

    Ban on Slave Trade
    Embargo Act is passed by congress in response to British and French interference with U.S. trade.
    Jefferson orders British warships to leave U.S. waters after British attack the Chesapeake.
  • Third Census

    Third Census
    U.S. population totals 7.2 million, including 1.4 million African Americans, Of whom 1.2 million are enslaved.
    Population west of Appalachian Mountains 1 million.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    It begins as U.S. declared war on Great Britain over issues of borders, trade, freedom of the seas, and the rights of neutrals.
    In general, the war is supported by Westerners and opposed by New Englanders.
  • War of 1812 ends and Creek War ends

    War of 1812 ends and Creek War ends
    War of 1812 ended with a signature from a treaty of Ghent.
    Creek war ends with defeat by U.S. troops in the battle of Horseshoe Bend in Alabama.
  • Old Southwest

    Old Southwest
    New England Federalists who opposed the war of 1812 consider secession but compromise at recommending constitutional amendments to protect state sovereignty.
    The old southwest is opened to migration of American settlers after the defeat of the Indian in the Creek War.
  • First Seminole War

    First Seminole War
    The First Seminole War began with attacks on settlers in Florida and Georgia.
    New York Stock Exchange is established.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    U.S. acquires Florida from Spain in the Adams-Onis Treaty.
    Panic of 1819 leads to six-year economic depression.
  • Fourth Census

    Fourth Census
    U.S. population totals 10 million.
    1.7 million African Americans of whom 1.5 million are enslaved.
  • Newly Found State

    Newly Found State
    Missouri enters the Union as 24th state under the Missouri Compromise.
    First American settlers (300 families) arrive in Texas, led by Stephen Austin.
  • Slave Rebellion

    Slave Rebellion
    Slave rebellion led by Denmark Vesey is crushed in Charleston, South Carolina.
    Amer. Colonization Soc.establishes Monrovia( Liberia) to promote emigration of free blacks.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Europe is warned not to interfere in Western Hemisphere affairs.
    Cotton mills begin production in Lowell, Massachusetts, with water-powered machinery.