Top 10 Inventions during the Industrial Revolution

  • The Battery

    The Battery
    Alessandro Volta invented the first Voltaic Pile, now known as the battery.
  • Period: to

    The Industrail Revolution

  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    The Telegraph was invented by Baron Schilling von Canstatt. It uses electrical signals through telecommunication lines or a radio.
  • Theory of Evolution

    Theory of Evolution
    The Theory of Evolution was finally invented after years of notes and researching by Charles Darwin. It is the theory of how living things change over a period of time.
  • Rockefellers Oil Drill

    Rockefellers Oil Drill
    Rockefeller invented the oil drill and started his own company.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876. He made the first call the Thomas A Watson saying "Mr.Watson, come here; I want you."
  • Electric Lightbulb

    Electric Lightbulb
    Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb. He was the first one to succeed.
  • Diesel and Diesel Engine

    Diesel and Diesel Engine
    Rudolf Diesel invented the first diesel engine in 1879. After it was put on display in the Munich Exhibition, it got more sales.
  • Radio

    Nikols Telsa invented the first radio after the supreme court rejected Marcoins invention of the radio.
  • First Airplane Flight

    First Airplane Flight
    The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, built the first flight of an airplane, They flew a glider, which is a plane with no engine, designed as a kite, 12 times in 2 minutes.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    Henry Ford invented the assembly line to increase production with his cars.