Tom The Evolution of Democracy

By Tom22
  • 1. Greece 700-350 BCE

    over the age of 18 and male to be a citizen, you had to be born in Greece, your paents had to be born in Greece and you had to own land.
  • 2. Rome

    Rome was never a democracy as we know today, evenr the acient greeks knew it, upper class participants ruled over common people, Plebes helped create a new democratic institution
    called the Senate, must be male
  • 3. Magna Carta

    1215 King John forced to sign the Magna Carta, the king could not steel things, king could no longer whatever he wanted,
  • 4. 1775 –1781 American Revolution

    created the first true democracy, US did not give women the vote until 1919

  • 6. Fascism

    After WWI, Benito Mussolini formed a
    fascist government in Italy, He used brute force and his newly formed
    Black Shirts to keep order.
  • 7. Nazism

    With total power Hitler waged WWII, He killed 55 million people and
    exterminated 6 million Jews and 5 million
    “enemies of the state”
  • 8. Communism

    1848 Karl Marx wrote the Communist
    Manifesto outlining Communism, 1917 Vladamir Lenin was able to over
    throw the Russian Tzar
  • 9. United Nationns

    1948 United Nations created the declaration of
    Human Rights, UN pledged that human beings have a right to
    live and work without abuse from governments, That all people are “born free and equal and that
    all have the right to life, liberty and the security of