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  • Baby is Born :)

    Baby is Born :)
  • 13-15 months physical

    13-15 months physical
    .the toddler can crawl and may be able to stand for a few seconds on its own.
    .may crawl up and down stairs
    .has improved grasping
    .starts to learn how to use a spoon
    can build
    .starts to build small towers with blocks
  • 13-15 months intellectual

    13-15 months intellectual
    .begins to form concepts
    .discovers ability to make things happen by his own actions
    .babbles with expression
    .follows simple commands such as "give, come, stop, and show me"
    .may repeat sounds without understanding oof the meaning
  • 16-18 months physical

    16-18 months physical
    .can stand up on either foot with support
    .jumps with both feet
    .walks fast and runs stiffly
    .begins to scribble
    .likes to grab anything and everything
  • 16-18 months intellectual

    16-18 months intellectual
    .vocab increases to six to ten words
    .uses more words apposed to gestures
    .tries to imitate the way parents use objects
    .identifies simple pictures and oobjects in book
    .remembers where things go and belong
  • 19-21 months physical

    19-21 months physical
    .can run wihhout falling often
    .begins to use one hand more than the other
    .can kick a lage ball
    .responds rhythically to music with whole body
    can bend and squat down easily in play
  • 19-21 months intellectual

    19-21 months intellectual
    .can connect sounds with words, objects, and pictures
    .associates tools with their function
    .responds to directions more often
    .progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play
    .can distinguish different sounds and smells
  • 22-24 months physical

    22-24 months physical
    .walks with more coordinance and assurance
    .can throw ball overhead instead of tossing
    .can change postion from sitting to standing easily
    .can walk fowards, sideways, and backwards
    .more coordination and smoother hand and finger movements
  • 22-24 months intellectual

    22-24 months intellectual
    .becomes more interested in activities with other people
    .is more likely to be hurt by criticism
    .starts to show more aggressive behavior at times
    .uses own name in reference to self
    .is more precise in placement of objects
  • 24-30 months physical

    24-30 months physical
    .baby fat begins to disappear
    .torso lengthens
    .can open and close doors
    .can tear and manipulate certain objects
    .enjoys to climbs everywhere
  • 24-30 months intellectual

    24-30 months intellectual
    .becomes interested in childrens tv shows
    .plays games that imitate real life events
    .vocabulary widens to 200-500 words
    .uses words to make requests
    .understands cause and effect of behavior
  • 30-36 months physical

    30-36 months physical
    .can go upstairs with alternating feet
    .prefers to sit in adult chairs instead of smaller ones
    .can catch large ball with arms straight out
    .eats with a fork
    .makes mudpies nd sandcastles
  • 30-36 months intellectual

    30-36 months intellectual
    .becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
    .can remember and follow three-step commands
    .begins to classify objects into general categories
    .recognizes self in photographs
    .starts to use past tense and plurals