Smackdown toddlers midnight snacks e1312986766714


  • The baby is born

    The baby is born
    Baby is born
  • 13-15 Months Cognitive Development

    13-15 Months Cognitive Development
    Toddlers love to mimic all actions. They seem to have very short memory and almost no forethought. Vocabulary slowly increases from 4 to 6 words. Start to follow simple commands such as give, come, stop and show me
  • 13-15 Months Physical Development

    13-15 Months Physical Development
    Toddlers may be able to stand alone without support for a short time, They may try to turn doorknobs. Toddlers may be able to climb out to cribs, high chairs, or strollers
  • 16-18 Months Physical development

    16-18 Months Physical development
    Toddler may show hand preference in all activities. They may be able to walk sideways and stand on either foot with suuport. They like to grab anything and everything.Can jump wiith both feet.
  • 16-18 Months Cognitive Development

    16-18 Months Cognitive Development
    Toddler may seem to have a short attention span. Says "No" more often than any other word and obeys the command "Give it to me". They begin to figure things out through thought process.
  • 19-21 Months Physical Development

    19-21 Months Physical Development
    Toddlers can run without falling often.They respond rhythymically to music with whole body. They use one hand more than the other. Toddlers are able to hold containers with one hand, put small objects into it with the other hand, then dumps the objects out.
  • 19-21 Months Cognitive Development

    At this age they like to show interest in tiny things such as bugs. They learn to distinguish different sounds and smells. They now have a vocabulary of about 20 words. They are constantly asking "What's that?"
  • 22-24 Months Physical Development

    22-24 Months Physical Development
    Toddlers like to walk on low walls and perform other stunts. They can walk with more coordination and assurance. They can stack blocks together and build something or make a train. Are able to cut things with scissors.
  • 22-24 Months Coggnitive Development

    22-24 Months Coggnitive Development
    Toddlers may be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are. They can identify familiar onjects on TV screen. They now have a vocabulary or 150 words. They are able to ask for things using simple words and are continuously asking "What's that?".
  • 24-30 Months Physical Development

    24-30 Months Physical Development
    Baby fat begins to disappear. They can climb everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places. They can open doors by turning knobs. They are able to soap hands and arms easily.
  • 24-30 Months Cognitive Development

    24-30 Months Cognitive Development
    Toddlers at this age now have a vocabulary of 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period. They can now use two-word sentences. They become increasingly interested in children's TV shows. They also like to listen to tapes and recordings of stories and songs
  • 30-36 Months Physical Developments

    30-36 Months Physical Developments
    Toddlers tend to walk on tiptioes. They like to be in constant motion,running,or walking sideways or backwards. They can scribble and draw circles as well as horizontal and vertical lines. They are also able to use forks to eat. They are also able to paint using full arm movements combined with finger movements.
  • 30-36 Months Cognitive Development

    30-36 Months Cognitive Development
    Toddlers vocabulary starts at about 500 words and increase to 900 to 1000 this period. They now create two-to-three-word sentences. They try out various role in make-believe play.They can also remember and follow 3-step commands.