
Toddler Timeline

  • Baby was born

    Baby was born
  • 13-15 month old

    13-15 month old
    start to cruise along the furniture as one of there large motor skill. as for their small motor skill they have improved grasping skills.
  • 13-15 Months

    13-15 Months
    Cognitive; likes to learn at picture books and pats. They also show interest on new textures by rubbing fingers over surfaces
  • 16-18 month old

    16-18 month old
    likes to grabb everything and anything, it aslo add hand gesture to spoken languge.
  • 16-18 Months old

    16-18 Months old
    They're cognitives are that they responds to increasing numbers of verbal directions if combines with actions. they aslo identifies objects by pointing when requested.
  • 19-21 months old

    19-21 months old
    progresses from single imitation to imagenitive play. They also can remember familiar objects without seeing them.
  • 19-21 months old

    19-21 months old
    loves to run,jump, and climbs. like to hang from bars at the playground.
  • 22-24 months old

    22-24 months old
    shows increased coordination and smoother hand and finger movements. They also like to play with modeling clay.
  • 22-24 months old

    22-24 months old
    At this age they become more interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themself.
  • 24-30 months old

    24-30 months old
    Thy're motor skill has improved by this age as the torso lenghten and baby fat begins to disappear. They also start to open doors by turning the knobs.
  • 24-30 months old

    24-30 months old
    Also at this age they are able to interperate picture drawings or paintings.
  • 30-36 Months old

    30-36 Months old
    Physical: They like to jump from any elevated object, sometimes miscalculating hieight. At this age they like to sit in adult chairs and may prefer these two smaller chairs.
  • 30-36 Months old

    30-36 Months old
    Cognitive: Also at this age they can identify familiar objects by touch. Also they can dispaly negative feelings and occasional tempers.