Toddler eating whole wheat sandwich

Toddler Timeline

By jlmack
  • Baby is born!

    Baby is born!
  • 13 - 15 Months

    13 - 15 Months
    Physical - May be able to walk a few steps alone, Sits by collapsing when first taking steps, May creep like a bear with hands and feet in contact with the floor.
  • 13 - 15 Months

    13 - 15 Months
    Cognitive - Babbles with expression, May attempt to imitate words others say, Follow simple comands such as give, come, stop, & show me.
  • 16 - 18 Months!

    16 - 18 Months!
    Physical - Likes to grab anything and everything, Begins to scribble, Builds tower of three cubes, Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor.
  • 16 - 18 Months!

    16 - 18 Months!
    Cognitive - Begins to figure things out through thought process, Enjoys working with shapes and form boards, Identifies simple pictures in book, such as "ball" and "doggie".
  • 19 - 21 Months!

    19 - 21 Months!
    Physical - Runs without falling often, Loves to run, jump, and climb, squats easily in play, and holds two objects in hand easily.
  • 19 - 21 Months!

    19 - 21 Months!
    Cognitive - Looks at books for longer periods of time studying pictures, Remember familiar objects without seeing them, & Interested in tiny things like bugs.
  • 22 - 24 Months!

    22 - 24 Months!
    Phyiscal - Balances and sways in simple dancing movements, Likes to walk on low walls and perform other stunts, Throws ball overhead instead of tossing & Can open screw-type clousures.
  • 22 - 24 Months!

    22 - 24 Months!
    Cognitive - Curious about objects in environment: feels, squeezes, pulls and pushes objects, Understands more words than is able to use, & Is able to ask for things using simple words.
  • 24 - 30 Months!

    24 - 30 Months!
    Physical - Climbs everywhere indoors even in forbidden places, Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment, & Opens door by turning knobs.
  • 24 - 30 Months!

    24 - 30 Months!
    Cognitive - Understands cause & effects in terms of own behavior, Solves problems by imitating old behaviors, Can follow two step comands, & Uses two word sentences.
  • 30 - 36 Months!

    30 - 36 Months!
    Physical - Goes upstairs by alternating feet but goes down one foot at a time, Sits in adult chairs and may perfer these to smaller chairs, & Takes objects apart and puts them back together.
  • 30 - 36 Months!

    30 - 36 Months!
    Cognitive - Starts to use past tense and plurals, Tries out many roles in make believe play, & Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together.