• Large Student Gathering

    "A large group of students met at the home of Christopher Eckhardt in Des Moines, Iowa to make plans for a school protest against the Vietnam War. After long discussion, they decided to wear black arm bands to school" (Freedom Forum).
  • Armbands Were Brought to the Attention of Administrators

    “Mr. Donald Haley, journalism teacher at Roosevelt, asked Ross Peterson, a student in Roosevelt, regarding an article that he would like to write and have printed in the school paper relating to Vietnam.” (E. Raymond Peterson).
  • Meeting of Senior High School Principals

    “I would call a meeting of the senior high school principals for 7:45 a.m., Tuesday, December 14, to ask them their suggestions for handing the wearing of armbands which was understood to take place on Thursday, December 16" (E. Raymond Peterson).
  • Student Fasting

    "Some high school and college students in Iowa who are interested in expressing their grief over the deaths of soldiers and civillians in Vietnam will fast on Thursday, December 16th" (District Court S. D. of Iowa)
  • Students Wear Black Armbands to School

    "Each of the plaintiffs testified that their purpose in wearing arm bands was to mourn those who had died in the Viet Nam war and to support Senator Robert F. Kennedy's proposal for Christmas Day, 1965" (District Memorandum).
  • Board Meeting

    "All of the five senior high school principals were in agreement to follow the procedure as was later outlined in the board minutes of the meeting. The principals made this decision without the knowledge of how the central office felt" (E. Raymond Peterson).
  • Secondary Principals Were Called to Meet

    “Secondary principals were called to meet to see if they thought it would be wise to alter the previous decision. All who were present felt that we had made a wise decision in spite of the public concern over one small aspect of our school program” (E. Raymond Peterson).
  • National Liberation Front Proposed a Truce

    “The National Liberation Front (Vietcong) recently proposed a 12-hour truce on Christmas Eve. The United States has not yet replied to their offer. However, Senator Robert Kennedy has suggested that the truce be extended indefinetly pending negotiations” (District Court S. D. of Iowa).
  • Student Meeting on New Year's Eve

    “A meeting in Des Moines on New Year’s Eve will be held. This meeting is being sponsored by Liberal Religous Youth, the youth organization of the Unitarian Universalist Association” (District Court S. D. of Iowa).
  • Second Student Fasting

    “If the United States takes this action the arm bands will be removed. If it does not, the bands will be worn throughout the holiday season, and there will be a second fast New Years day” (District Court S. D. of Iowa).