Timing Matters

  • First Day of School

    Introduce Procedures for;
    Where to line up to enter the school
    How to enter the classroom
    Where to put our bags/lunch/water bottles
    Where and how we sit at our desk
    Washrooms and water fountains
    Courtyard and recess
    End of day pack up routine
  • Parent Letter

    Welcome and Intro letter sent home to parents detailing the expectations and procedures that students will be introduced to throughout the first week of school. Include information that through the implementation of these procedures/rules students establish routine and age appropriate autonomy.
  • Second Day of School

    Introduce Procedures for;
    Morning routine and unpacking
    Listening and responding to the teacher
    Lining up and hallways
    Materials (pencils/erasers/crayons/markers) - where they are, how you get them, how to use them, how to return them
    When, where and how to get a tissue
    Review Lunch and what to do with trash
  • Third Day of School

    Using the classroom library
    Carpet expectations and participating

    How to get help
    How to hand in your work
    Transitioning to other classes
  • Fourth Day of School

    Caring for our desks
    Fire Drill and Lock Down procedures
  • Fifth Day of School

    Establish classroom rules as a whole group:
    1. Respect the speaker
    2. Do your best
    3. Be mindful of you!