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Timetoast Education in America Timeline

  • Schooling’s

    First public school opens in 1635
    The new York public school; society formed to provide education for poor children; run on the Lancastrian model in which one master teacher teaches hundreds of students in a single room; formed in 1805
  • Curriculum

    In the years 1820 to 1880 there were three basic types of teachers. The first was teachers in a one room schools were “intellectual overseers”. This was done by organizing the students into ability groups and assigning each group its work and calling each group for continual rounds of recitation.
  • Curriculum

    The second group of teachers was in the larger graded schools and were more like “drillmasters”. They would lead the entire class in perpetual recitation drill. The third group was a rare sort and tried to take the education beyond the memory recall to a point of explaining to students the facts being learned and how it was relevant to their lives.
  • Curriculum

    In the mid 1900’s a change was made towards a more child centered type of education. This would mean smaller class sizes and that activities for children were education centered. The type of education called for only 25 students in a classroom and that grades be sequential from kindergarten through twelfth grade. This was a time that math and science became the priority in curriculum development.
  • Technology

    1920 was a time when educators were looking for different ways to integrate learning for students with technology. It was Thomas Edison that revealed the first talking motion picture. This is point in history that films were used in an educational setting and provided relevant and current information to students in an engaging manner.
  • The internet

    The internet
    Having the internet available in classrooms allows students to access educational websites, dictionaries, and videos within seconds. The internet offers students a diverse look at a subject.
  • Observation from classroom site

    Observation from classroom site
    Teacher uses technology in class mostly for:
    1. research
    2. online assessment test
    3. Smart boards
    4. Elmo visual presenter
    5. PowerPoint's
    6. Computers: create lesson plans
    7. Excel: take attendance/keep test records
  • Computer Now

    Computer Now
    Deskstop- Stays in place. Uses an ethernet cord.
    Laptops- On the go computer that does everything that a desktop does. Wifi or an ethernet cord can be used. Macs- Either desktop or laptop. Allows certain programs that other laptops and desktops don't.
  • Technology

    Technology is a powerful tool that can be a huge advantage to the new world. Education systems must be the first on board in order for the all those opposing. It is a vital tool in this day and age and an enormous gift to the education industry.
    We must help it grow and evolve!
  • Increased Engagement

    Increased Engagement
    Studies have shown students enjoy learning more and show higher satisfaction with instruction when technology is involved. They are typically described as being more engaged in the material.
  • Pushing Impossible

    Pushing Impossible
    Technology has pushed the boundaries of what teachers and educators can conceive. Classes video chat around the world with ease, students create digital portfolios to be shared across the web, and multiple students can edit a peer's document simultaneously. Technological limits are expanding faster than we are approaching them.
  • Education

    This image shows the kids' interaction with each others they take turns in completing the activity
    Technology is a powerful tool that can be a huge advantage to the new world. Education systems must be the first on board in order for the all those opposing. It is a vital tool in this day and age and an enormous gift to the education industry.
    We must help it grow and evolve!
  • The Student Experience for the Future

    The Student Experience for the Future
    Maintaining and improving the quality of the student experience is a key challenge for the future. This includes:
    • Resources and infrastructure
    • Flexibility of offer
    • International issues
    • Maintaining and enhancing student engagement
    • Assessment
    • Quality, standards and diversity
    It is important to understand that universities and colleges do not simply react to student expectations.