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Timeline of falling in love with Brenden Hawke

  • Our first kiss

    For halloween, we didn't go out like everyone else but we watched the original Halloween and you finally kissed me on my bed. It was such a nervous, cute, first kiss.
  • The day we first met

    We first met in the B5 lounge playing a game trying to "get to know each other" I asked you what your favorite tv show was and you said arrested development and I thought that was awesome because it was mine to and also noticed how incredibly attractive you were
  • "I hate clam chowder!"

    I don't know the exact date but it was around this time you took care of my drunk self for the first time and met sybil and helped me throw up...and somehow still kept liking me.
  • Our first attempt at "Dating"

    Before I left to go to Seattle for Christmas break, we had wine and you slept over because Peggy was gone and I was so excited but sad at the same time because we wouldn't see each other for a month
  • Our first attempt at dating failed :(

    So we didn't work out the first time. And here marks our longest stretch of not associating with each other, but luckily it was only a couple of months!
  • Cinco De Mayo

    Our first time hanging out alone in awhile, Kim got too drunk during the day so it was just me and you playing cards in my room on Cinco De Mayo. We drank, you showed me Firefly, we stayed up till 5 AM talking, cuddling and falling asleep. I love this day.
  • The day you drunkinly asked me out to see a movie and "reconnect"

    The day you drunkinly asked me out to see a movie and "reconnect"
    Remember this night? You wrote me a note when I woke up asking me on a date. Our first date post break up was around this time, mid may and I had got my hair cut super short right before it, we saw Men in Black III and you said my hair looked cute and I was nervous. I started really liking you again.
  • Before I left for Paris

    Before I left for Paris
    You drove down to Orange County and had dinner with me and my mom. We went to the beach after and I didn't want to leave you because we had just started to like each other again.
  • Second round at that "dating" thing

    After a few months of unfortunate events and rocky ground, we decided to try dating again on your birthday. We had PF changs happy hour and drank with your new roommates and it was a perfect start to a not so perfect past.
  • Disney Land AKA best day EVER

    Our first quartly getaway. Our first hotel and day at disneyland together. We went to cheese cake factory for a nice dinner, HILARIOUS cvs visit with the intercom announcment and you holding that vodka The best night possibly to mark
    I realized how much I was already falling in love with you
    World of Color with your arms around my waist....totally madly in love with you.
  • Meeting your friends for the first time

    Meeting your friends for the first time
    Drove home with you after finals ended and met your parents (so nervous but they were so nice) and went to Sanoma where I realized I liked your friends almost if not more than you :P Then we went to SF, I helped you buy jeans that you just ended up shrinking and more yummy dinners getting to know your parents :) Then we also went bowling! You kicked my butt.
  • New Years EVE

    New Years EVE
    So I missed you too much and used my work money to change my flight and spend NYE with you and your friends. I got to kiss you at midnight, sleep next to you on a floor and have one of the best nye ever Again, falling more and more in love with you.
  • My first time seeing a PANDA

    My first time seeing a PANDA
    Second quartly getaway and birthday trip to San Diego. Super nice hotel, going to a classy speak easy and getting delicious drinks and another amazing night I will never forget. But, more so, won't forget almost getting beat up by those big black chicks in the zoo parking lot and the insane connection I had with the panda
  • You meeting my DAD (who ended up loving you)

    Your first time meeting my whole family and I got to show you around Seattle. This trip made me realize how well you fit into my family and how much I adore you. I never told you but both my mom and sister told me when you were smoking cigars with my dad and David outside that they can tell how much I love you by how I look at you and smile :)
  • Deltopia

    One of the funnest parts of the year. Day drinking, eating the best pizza ever, hanging out with Brittany (who loves you, always a good sign when best friends like the boyfriend) and Lester, no fighting except for trying to find a parking spot at first haha pole dancing and just doing what we do best, having fun
  • Mothers day!

    Mothers day!
    Drove up for Mothers day, and despite getting the speeding ticket, we had fun going to the Giants game, awkward encounter with your strange ex girlfriend, drinking at your house watching the Golden State Warrors, a fun day with your parents in Napa And how can I forget the chugging of the Martini and being tipsy at dinner and eating a whole thing of popcorn at gatsby. Basically at this point, I am thinking there is no one else that is this perfect for me. Like...totally, fully in love.
  • Graduation!

    So proud of you and sitting next to you during the ceremony at Pauly I realized I was sitting next to not only my talented, smart, handsome boyfriend but also my best friend.
  • San Fran/ GIants talegate Trip

    San Fran/ GIants talegate Trip
    Our third quartly trip to San Fran with the hotel with the crazy windows. The delicious italian dinner and playing chubby bunny That night later was the most "satisfying" night of my life haha Talegating with your friends was so fun and so was the game. I love your friends and couldn't help think about being older and living near SF with you and having those people as friends and to go out with would be so ideal. I want that Bren. But this trip made me realize I had only one month left
  • The last time I've kissed you to date

    When my bags were checked and it was time for me to go through security, I almost didn't think I could let go of hugging you. Over the past two years, ups and downs, making memories and spending almost every day with you has left me totally in love with you. There is no one else but you for me. Leaving you at the airport one of the hardest things ive ever had to do.
  • Long Distance!

    Long Distance!
    This is the last event because it is today! we are miles apart and this past week has not gone how I would have hoped and put doubt in you that I truly love you and before you used to say I was "the one" and I've made you doubt that. I can be that girl again. Youll see how much I want this to work, our relationship will be the ultimate healthy, happy and loving relationship you deserve. I have faith in us and I refuse to let me dream of being with you forever not happen, cuz it totally will bren