
  • Jamestown founded

    john rolfe=tobacco
  • House of Burgesses

  • Mayflower

  • New Amsterdam (New York)

    henry hudson
    peter minuit "$24 myth"
  • Massachussetts Bay Colony

    colony governed themselves
    John Winthrop
    City upoon a hill
    families moved there = permanency
  • Delaware

  • Pequot War

    one of most violent espisodes of natives vs settlers
  • Connecticut

    Thomas Hooker argued with Winthrop over church membership
    Hooker left and led group to Connecticut River Valley
  • Rhode Island

    puritan Roger Williams = dissenter
    critical of mistreatment of Indians and involvement of Church in gov
    state had separation of church and state
  • Anne Hutchinson

    critical of Puritan religion
    was excommunicated frm new england
  • Maryland founded

    George Calvert
    refuge for Catholics
  • Protestant reformation

    Matin Luther
    John Calvin
  • Puritanism dies down

  • Navigation acts

    defined colonies as sppliers of materials to Britain and a market for britain's goods
  • Halfway convent

    allowed for partial church membership for children of church members
  • Carolina founded

    recruited slave-owning English settlers from Barbados
    splits into 2
  • King Philip's War

  • Bacon Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon led backcountry people
    gov. william berkely refused to offer help in fighting natives
    went into Jamestown and burned houses
    Bacon soo died and rebellion was put down
    Started using slaves for laborers
  • Pope's rebellion( pueblo rebellion)

    spanish outlawed peublo religious practices
    Peublo people ended up gainingg rights
  • Pennsylvania

    Willian Penn
    Quaker Colony
    quakers believed in equality
  • Dominion of New England

    ruled by sir edmund andros
    royal officials revoked the charters of all colonies north of Maryland
    blow to Pratin movement
    ended in 1689 due to influence of glorious revolution
  • Glorious Revolution

    pariament invited the dutch William of orange and his wife mary to become England's monarchs
    empowered parliament
    ended absolute monarchy in England
  • Salem witch troals

  • immigrants

    18th century
    had left difficult economic conditions
    mainly went to penn.
  • Deism

    God is the clockmaker
  • Backcountry people

    scots-irish moved past Appalachians (later known as west virginia)
  • Great awakening

    Jonathan Edwards delivered sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
    George Whitefield-most well-known Geat Awakening preache
    main thing was that anyone could be saved for the afterlife
  • Georgia

    buffer state
    james Oglethorpe hoped to establish colony for ppor, did work out
  • Zenger Trial

    precedent for freedom of the press
  • Stonto, SC slave rebellion

    most famous slave rebellion of colonial period
    20 slaves
  • French and Indian War

    ends 1763
    results in end of salutary neglect
  • Proclamation Act

    can't settle past Appalachians
  • Conflict with Spain

    spin own Louisianna Territory and was afraid that Americans would move there so tey closed off the Mississippi river to American shipping
  • Commities of Correspondence

  • Townshend Acts

    imposed additional taxes on colonists
  • Boston Massacre

    death of 5 men including African American Crispus Attucks
  • Boston Tea party

  • Coercive/intolerable Acts

    a result of Boston Tea Party
  • Lexington and Concord

    "the shot heard round the world"
  • Olive Branch Petition

    colonists want peace but britain rejects this
  • Common Sense

    published by Thomas Paine
    opens Americans' eyes
  • American Revolution

    1st phase: In New England
    2nd phase:Middle Colonies
    3rd phase: South
  • Declaration of Independence

  • End of revolution

    General Conrwallis surrenders at Yorktown
  • Articles of Confederation

    written at same time as declaration but was ratified a while later
    government didn't have much pwer
  • The Treaty of Paris

    Britain regognizes u.s and granted it al land south of Canada and north of Florida
  • Land Ordinance

    called for dividing west into 10 states with guarantee of self-government Land Ordinance Act of 1785 called for area to be surveyed and divided into lots
  • Northwest Ordinance

    set up a proess in which areas could become teritories then states
  • Shay's Rebellion

    occured in Massachussetts
    farmers didn't like government actions and their petitions were rejected
    led by Daniel Shays
    local militias didn't stop it
    eventually gov and legislature took action
    made people realize how weak the articles were
  • Washington becomes prez

    dept of state= thomas jeff
    dept of war=henry knox
    treasury=Alexander Hamilton
    attorny general=edmund randolph
    chief justice-john jay established presidential cabinet
  • Ratification of Constitution

    Bill of rights was added 1790 written by james madison
    required 9 states
    delaware=first t ratify in 1787
  • Factories

    Samuel Slater was building the first factories in the 90s
    Most famous factories were built along the Merrimak River in Lowell, Massachusetts starting in1821
    Women were usually hired (daughters of New England farmers)
  • National Bank

    Hamilton's idea justified by elastic clause
    jefferson had argued that states had no right
  • Battle at Wabash river

    single most costly battle in the history of wars with natives
  • Neutrality Act

    urged u.s to avoid permnent alliances
    decided not to get involved with French Revolution
  • Cotton Gin

    increase in cotton= increase in slavery
    lead to King Cotton
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    hamilton place an excise tax on whiskey which upsetted farmers who wanted to rebel
    washington, remembering shay's rebellion, quickly sent troops to handle the situation establishing federal authority
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    natives defeated by americans
  • Jay's Treaty

    stupid Jay, ended up coming back with a teaty that was favorable towards the British
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    spain agreed to allow for American shipping on mississippi
    this treaty was motivated by apparent "friendship" between britain and u.s due to Jay's Treaty
  • Election of 1796

    emergence of 2 political parties Federalists(hamilton) vs republicans(jefferson) John Adams vs Jefferson adams became pez and jefferson became vp
  • XYZ affair

    french were interfering and seizing American ships
    Adams sent negotiators to paris who were stopped by 3 agents (xyz) and informed that they needed to pay first
    this angered Americans
  • Quasi-war

    ended 1800
    unofficial war between u.s and france
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    acts were passed by Federalist-dominated gov
    Alien act made it difficult for immigrants to achieve citizenship
    Sedition act made it a crime to defame president or congress
  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

    jefferson and james madison were opposed to the alien and sedition acts and they proposed that states had the right to nullify laws
  • election of 1800

    Jefferson is president
    ran against john adams and tied with his running mate aaron burs
    Hamilton helped him win
  • 2nd Great Awakening

    many ministers wrried that Americans seemed more captivated by the nation thn by God and salvation
    salvation was in the hands of an individual
  • Louisianna Purchase

    jefferson bought louisianna purchase from napoleon for $15 million, he violated his view of a strict interpretation of constitution
  • Barbary Wars

    Tripoli demanded fees from u.s for them to not invade their ships
  • Cheasapeake Affair

    british were impressing on american seamen and this situation reached a crisis when Britain ship leopard fired on the American ship cheasapeake.
  • Embargo Act

  • Election of 1808

    James Madison (writer of bill of rights) wins
  • Non-intercourse act

    replaced embargo act
    was unpopular
    no trading with britain or france
  • Treaty of Fort Wayne

    william Henry Harrison,gov of indiana Territory negotiated with indians
  • Macon's Bill No.2

    said that if one nataion left the american ships alone, America would cut off trade with the enemy, Napoleon lied and caused america to cut off trade with Britain
  • battle of tippecanoe

    harrison wages war against Tecumseh's confederation=victory
  • National Road

    completed in 1853
    also known as Cumberland road
  • War of 1812

    Trade conflicts and pressure fo War Hawks pushed Madison to declare war on Britain
    lasted 2.5 years
    one incident involved the british burning washington dc
    u.s acheived a major victory in New Orlean in early 1815 by Andrew Jackson who didn't realize that a peace treaty had
    already been signed
    war increased nationalism
    francis scott key wrote his song
    damaged reputation of federalist party who met up in Hartford convention (seen as unpatriotic)
  • Treaty of Ghent

    ended war of 1812
    conditions went back to prewar status
    greivances weren't addressed
  • Era of good feelings

    Lasted until 1825
  • American System

    Henry Clay proposed a plan to help America grow economically
    Congress rechartered bank of u.s and passed a protective triff
  • Market Revlution

    new patterns of prodction, distribution, and cnsmption
  • Election of1816

    republican candidate James Monroe easily won
  • Trustees of Darthmouth College v. Woodward

    contracts should be upheld
  • Missourri Compromise

    helped to maintain balance of free and slave states
    divided remaining area of the territory at 36 30 north latitude
  • Monroe Doctrine

    President Monroe issued a statement warning European nations to keep their hands off the Americas
  • Corrupt Bargain

    occured during election of 1824
    John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay
    there was a tie
    Clay urged his allies in the house to support Adams
    Adams then announced Clay as secretary of state which angered jackson supporters.
  • Erie Canal

    connected Hudson river in upstate New York to Great Lakes
  • Election of 1828

    Jackson wins due to backwoods populist appeal
    considered to be first modern election
  • Webster published dictionary

    to differentiate American language from britain's
    American dictionary of the english language
  • Railroad

    First tracks laid by Baltimore and Ohio railroad
  • Appeal to Coloured Citizens of the World

    written by African American David Walker
  • indan removal act

    Jackson pushed for this act to handle the problems with natives
    Cherokee filed in court nd the court ruled that they should't be subject to this act
  • Mormons

    Chrch of Latter-Day Saint founded by Joseph Smith
    allowed men to have multiple wives
  • Temperance Movement

    goal was to limit or even ban production, sale, and consumptionof alcohol
    especially popular among women
    accompanied by nativism, people believed immigrants drank a lot more
  • Antislavery sentiments

    William Lloyd Garrison=wanted immediate emancipation
    some people wanted gradual
    advocated sending freed slaves to Africa
    Frederick Douglas=prominent figure in antislavery movement
  • Jackson and Second U.S Bank

    Jackson etoes a recharter for the bank and took actions to get rid of the bank by moving federal deposits from the Bank of the U.S to state banks
  • 2nd 2-party system

    end of Era of good feelings
  • Marshall court

    began in 1801 and ended 1835
    Marbury v. Madison= establishes judicial review
    Cohens v. Virginia(1821)=affirmed right of Supreme Court to take appeals from state courts
    McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) =fed power > state power
    Gibbons v. Odgens= gov regulate interstate commerce
    Darthmouth v. Woodward(1819) and Fletcher v. Peck (1810) =court intervened in econ transactions to assert validity of contracts
  • Specie Circular

    mandated that gov-held land be sold only for hard currency
    both this and the destruction of the 2nd bank led to the Panic of 1837
  • Election of 1836

    Martin van Buren (democrat) wins
    Whigs had an odd strategy and had 4 candidates run thinking they could tie the election-it didn't work
  • Texas

    Stephen Austin had been leading Americans from South to Texas (they had ben settling there since 20s)
    unfortunately, texans ignored Mexican law unde President General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
    Rebelled and 200 died at Alamo
    Unfortunately presidents blocked texas's annexation
    rebels eventually won under leasership of General Sam Houston establishing the independent Lone Star Republic in 1836
  • Panic of 1837

    800 banks closed or suspended operations
    had to do with jackson closing 2nd bank
    unemployment went past %10
    Van Buren proposes creting an independent treasury
  • trail of tears

    thousands of chreokee deaths
  • Election of 1840

    William Henry Harrison (whig) won
    Heroe of indian wars
    nicknamed "Tippecanoe"
  • Succession of Tyler

    Harrison died a month after being elected
    John Tyler, vp, replaced him
    He turned out to only be whig in name, was a former democrat and vetoed bills that the Whig-dominated Congress sent
  • Asylum and Penitentiary Movement

    movement to improve treatment for mentally ill
    one of main organisor = Dorothea Dix---->lead to creation of first generation of asylum is u.s
  • Free Public Education

    Horace Mann=one of most vocal advocators
    people believed education would improve democrtic society
  • Trancendentalism

    critical of materialist direction u.s was taking
    Henry David Thoreau= wrote Civil Disobedience
    Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote On Self-Reliance
  • Liberty Party

    3rd party
    said constitution was essentially an antislavery document and that u.s should live up to ideals contained in document
  • southern defense for slavery

    slavery is positive for slaves
    Bible contains slavery
    northern factory system is the same thing
  • Telegraph

    Invented by Samuel Morse
  • Election of 1844

    James K. Polk (democrat) advocated Texas annexation and to resole a border dispute with Great Britain over Oregan
    he please both north and south
    won election
    Texas was annexed in 1844
  • Manifest Destiny

    God's plan that America shoudl move west
  • Mexican War

    ended 1848
    border dispute over texas
    1848=treaty of Guadalupe
  • 49th parallel

    currently canadian border
    Dispute was "54 40' or fight"
    over organ country border
    Polk administrtion reached a compromise with Great Britain
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    often considered birth of women's rights movementchallenged cultural and legal restricitions on women
    orgnized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stantion
    issued a Declaration of Sentiments modeled after Declaration of Independence
  • Mexican war

    borde disputes over texan border
    ended 1848
    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo=mexico gave up claims to disputed territory in Mexico and agreed to sell provinces in Califonia and New Mexico fo $15million
  • Election of 1848

    Zachary Taylor won ( whig) one of heroes of Mexican war
    Free-Soil party was founded by anti-slavery men
  • Califronia Gold Rush

    gold was discovered at sutter's mill in 1848
  • Popular Sovereignty

    Lewis Cass proposed that people f a state should choose if they want th state to be slave or free
  • Compromise of 1850

    called for california to be admitted as a free state
    more stringent fugitive slave law
    and allowing New Mexico and Utah to decide their staus based on popular sovereignty
    put forth measures as omnibus bill
    were eventually passed independent of one another
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    upset and alarmed northerners
  • Know-Nothing Party

    emerged in 1840s but acheived electoral success in 1850s
    opposition to immigratiion
    political wing of a growin nti-Catholic, anti-Irish nativist movement
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    written by Harrite Beecher Stowe
    gained support for anti-slavery movement
  • Election of 1852

    won by Democrat Franklin Pierce
    authorized Gadsden Purchse in 1853
  • Gadsden Purchase

  • Ostend Manifesto

    wanted to purchase cuba from spain
  • Modern Republican Party

    made of many different factions
    adopted position that slavery should not be allowed to spread to new territories
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Senator Stephen Douglas wanted first transcontinental railroad to have a more northern route
    act called for organizing Louisianna Purchase into Kansas and Nebraska because railroads could only be built on organized territory
    allowed for states to chose if they would allow slavery or not based on popular sovereignty despit the Missouri Compromise (1820)
    angered northerners
    caused party realignment
  • Bleeding Kansas

    elections were held for terrotorial legislature
    proslvery Missourians came over and cast votes=Lecompton Constitution
    this angered antislavery Kansans who chose own shadow legislature=wrote Topeka Constitution
    John Brown initiated massecre of proslavery men near Pottawatomie Creek
    state went into violent period
    question of slavery wasnt resolved until 1861 (kansas joined union as a free state)
  • Election of 1856

    end of Democrat-Whig two-party system
    republican party emerged as a major party
    James Buchanan( democrat) won because he had southern sympathies
  • Beating of Sumner

    In Senate, Charles Sumner gave antislavery speech "Crimes Against Kansas"
    Preston Brookes was offended by speech (cuz it negatively talked about his uncle) and he brutally beat Sumner with a cane
  • Dred Scott Decison

    invalidated Missouri Compromise of 1820
    no African Americans were entitled to citizenship
  • Raid on Harper's Ferry

    John Brown planned to take over an armory in Harper's ferry to distribiute weapons to slaves
    unsuccessful and Brown was tried and executed in 1859
    Southerners believed that all northerners were like this
  • Election of 1860

    reflected fractued nature of America
    Democratic Stephen Douglas v. Republican Lincoln
    Lincoln had already gained popularity by debating against Douglas running for the senate in 1858, he lost in senate
    Lincoln indicated he wouldnt tamper with existing slavery but promised to block its expansion
  • Confederate States of America

    7 southern states seceded before Lincoln's inauguration (Jefferson Davis=leader)
    He didn't tolerate this but he didn't want to start war
    Cofederates bombarded Fort Sumter
    war was started
  • Confiscation Acts

    there was another one in 1862
    allowed for seizure and confiscation of slaves during war
  • Andrew Johnson

    VP took over when Lincoln was assassinated, continued with Lincolns approach to reconstruction
  • Civil War

    war was never officially declared
    Union thought they could easily win
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    union realized victory wasn't as easily attainable
    South continued to hold advantage until 1862
  • Homestead Act

    160 acres for movin west
  • Morrill Land Grant Act

    federal gov provided states with federal land to build public colleges
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    ordered freeing of all slaves in rebel-held territory as of January 1,1863
    didnt include slaves in the Union
    confederate didn't listen so no slaves were atually freed but the war was now full on addressing issue of slaves
  • suspending writ of habeas corpus

    allowed for arrest without due process of rebels and traitors
  • Lincoln's 10% plan

    if 10% southern voters took an oath of allegiance to u.s and promise to abide by emancipation, the stae could establish a new gov and send reps to Congress lincoln vetoes the Wade-davis bill in 1864 which contained stricter standards Lincoln wanted to reunite the country, but was assasinated
  • NYC drat riots

    people were angry that rich could get out of drafts for $300
  • General Ulysses S. Grant

    Lincoln finally settled on grant after going through many other officers
    Battle of Gettysburg (1863)=turning point in war
    victory at vicksburg mississippi allowed Union to gain control of mississippi cutting Confederacy in half
  • End of Civil War

    Southern General Robert E. Lee finally surrendered to genral grant at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia 1865
  • KKK

    terrorized African Americans who spoke out against not being involved in politics
  • Tensions over 14th Amendment

    said all people born in u.s were citizens and allowed for equal protection under the law undid the Dred Scott decision
  • Reconstruction acts of 1867

    divided south into 5 military districts, areas could only rejoin only if they guaranteed african americans basic rights
  • Impeachment of Johnson

    House charged johnson with violating the Tenure of Office Act and the whole impeachment procedure rendered johnson powerless to stop Congress's Reconstruction plan
  • Sharecropping System

    late 1860s landowners allowed tenants to use land in return for share of crops produced on land very similar to slave system cuz African Americans were still tied down to the land
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    administrationas president was tainted with corruption
  • Mugwumps, Stalwarts, and Half-breeds

    factions of republican party
    Mugwumps=reform minded republicans
    Stalwarts= most resistant to abandoning spoils system
    Half-breeds= loyal to republican leadership but wanting some degree of reform
  • Civil rights act of 1875

    guaranteed African Americans equal treatment in public accomondations act was poorly enforced
  • Election of 1876

    close election
    allowed republicn hayes to win presidency and in return, republicans agreed to end reconstruction
  • End of Reconstruction

    people stopped caring as much
    IN the 1876 election, Democrats would let the Republicans hae the white house (Rutherford B. Hayes as president) if the Republicans would end reconstruction
  • Segragation in South

    became more prevalent in 1896 with the case of Plessy v. Ferguson when court accepted segragation as constitutional Jim crow laws= separate but equal
  • Great Railroad strike of 1877

    Baltimore and Ohio Railroad had announced a 10% pay cut for its workers involved over 100000 people and troops had to be called in
  • The Greenback Party

    party advocated issuing paper oney not backed by silver or gold
    mainly farmers
  • Era of big business

    late 1800s
    big industries= railroad, steel, and oil
    Andrew Carnegie( steel industry)= vertical integration
    John D. Rockefeller( oil industry)=horizontal integration
  • Election of 1880

    Reps nominated James A. Garfiled for prez and he won but was shot 4 months after his inauguration in 1881
  • Presidency of Chester Arthur

    replaced Grfiled
    signed Pendleton Act into law
    looked into lowering tariffs
  • Pendleton Act

    set up a merit-bsed federal civil service
    awarded gov jobs on basis of competitive exam
  • Grover Cleveland

    began to push for lower tariff rates
    signed INterstate Commerce Commission into law
  • Election of 1884

    republican candidate= James Blaine (half-bree leader)
    Democrats- grover cleveland won election
  • Haymarket Incident

    strickers rallying on May 4 in Haymarket Square
    bomb exploded killling several police
    Knights of Labor were hard hit from the incident
  • Grange and Granger Laws

    The Grange=farmer's organization that pushed for state laws to protect farming interests Granger laws=regulated railroad freight rates and made certain abusive practices illegal
  • Gov Regulation of Companies

    gov created the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) in 1887 = regulating railroads Sherman Antitrust At was passed in 1890 to break up trusts both were ineffective
  • Election of 1888

    Republican party nominated president Benjamin Harrison who beat cleveland
    in 1890, Harrison signed into law the highest tariff in the nation' history
    in 1890, He signed the Sherman Anti-trust Act
  • Election of 1892

    democrat Grover Cleveland returned to white house because voters were upset of the high tariff
  • The Populist Party

    wanted to move away from a gold standard and again allow for the "free and unlimited coinage" of silver
    gained political support
    perhaps the most successful 3rd party in 19th century but popularity was short-lived
  • Homestead strike

    Carnegie was determinged to break a union under the American Federtion of Labor by not renewing contract
    He left temporarily and left the factory under the control of Henry Clay Frick who lokced out the workers and brought in scabs
    Battle ensued and workers won temporary victory until the government took control and Frick ws able to reopen plant
  • Panic of 1893

    Philadelphia and Reading Railroad went bankrupt follwoed by other railroads and banks
    millions of unemployed workers
    money supply in gilded age did not have the ability to grow as the economy expanded
    Congress only allowed for gold to be coined in 1873
    amount of gold being coined couldn't keep up with growing eonomy
  • Coxey's Army

    laid-off workers marched from Ohio through pennsylvania and into washington d.c to demand gov take action to address the economic crisis
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman (railroad) company had a town for workers
    would pull rent out of workers' paychecks
    wages were cut in 1893 but rents weren't
    soon most workers were on strike and railroad traffic was brought to a standstill
    Prez Cleveland called for federal troops to put down strike resulting in 25 deaths
    ended in defeat for the Union
  • Election of 1896

    resulted in demise of populist party nd established the identity of the major political parties in the 20th century Democrat candidate WillianJennings Bryan advocated for the free and unlimited coinage of silver (fr this reason, he had the Populist Party's support) -----famous for his "cross of gold" speech in which he promised not to let AMerican people be cruxified on a cross of gold
    Republican candidate WIlliam McKinley advocated the gold standard
    McKinley won and the populist party fell
  • Gospel of Wealth

    Andrew Carnegie advocated the idea that wealthy entreprenuers should distribute their wealth so it could be used for good rather than be wasted