This Random Timeline That I Have To Make

  • Jan 1, 1234

    Bilbo's Party

    Bilbo's Party
    Bilbo's birthday has finally come around. Unfortunately he left early mysteriously vanishing before many hobbit's eyes.
  • Feb 2, 1234

    Gandalf Leaves Frodo Too.

    Gandalf Leaves Frodo Too.
    Gandalf left to research then threw a harmless ring into the fire, only to reveal GASP! It's the Ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mar 3, 1234

    Frodo Leaves The Shire

    Frodo Leaves The Shire
    fodo finally left the shire after Gandalf told him to. Sam had to come because he was being nosy.
  • Apr 4, 1234

    They are Hunted by the Black Riders.

    They are Hunted by the Black Riders.
    Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin are being chased by the black riders. they barely make it to the prancing pony.
  • May 5, 1234

    They meet 'Strider'

    They meet 'Strider'
    The hobbits stay at the prancing pony and meet strider, a ranger from the north
  • Bored Student

    A student got very bored in school and made a "funny" timeline
  • Done

    They threw the ring into mt. doom. The End