Things to Have Down Cold for the AP Test

  • Jamestown

    FIRST PERMANANT ENGLISH ESTABLISHMENT IN AMERICA Established by the Virginia Company of London. Located right off of the James river, it was a smart move.
    TOBACCO: Introduced to Europe by Spanish. John Rolfe planted seeds. Economy BOOMS. Soil gets tired. They started seeking new ways of labor.
    HEADRIGHT SYSTEM: People of Virgina given 100 acres of land. New settlers payed for one headright. Families started moving in. Lead to INDENTURED SERVANTS (had to give 7 years slavery. LAND= POWER
  • Mercantilism/ Salutary Neglect

    Mercantilism/ Salutary Neglect
    USED BY BRITISH SCALE THEORY -> Export more than you Import. Triangular trade. Navigation Acts
    IN BRITISH COLONIES: promoted free market. It inhibited banking and making paper money. PUT RESTRICTION ON MANUFACTURING AND TRADE. SALUTARY NEGLECT: English gov. didn't use trade laws to help colonial economy. It ensured loyalty of colonists with French territorial threat in N.A. Helped British victory in FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR.
  • Pilgrims/Puritans

    CITY ON A HILL:John Winthrop encouraged the ships traveling with thousands of Puritans to Massachusets.
    RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE: Only wanted religious freedom for themselves. Attacked Pequot Indians. John Cotton lead Puritan sermans. ROGER WILLIAMS DISAGREES AND CREATES PROVIDENCE.
    WORK ETHIC:Lived a "God centered life". Wanted to interact with the world rather than work.
    MAYFLOWER COMPACT: Writeen by people of Mayflower. Self goverment. Pilgrims landed in Cape cod. Showed sovereignty of James 1
  • Pilgrims/Puritans (cont..)

    HALFWAY COVENANT: Rights to participate in some church affairs given to children of Puritan church members. These children have not reached salvation yet.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    NATHANIEL BACON: VA frontiersmen wanted land that Native's were already on. He demanded help from gov. Jamestown said no, so Bacon attacked it.
    SLAVERY: Tobacco= need for cheap labor. INDENTURED SERVANTS come back. They joined the rebellion.
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    Sudden outbreak of religious fervor that swept through colonies. Mormons, Prestbitrians, Puritans, Baptists
    Rise of colleges -> Harvard, Yale SPLIT CHURCHES APART: Quakers were splitting people apart. People wanted their own religion.. so one couldn't be the main religion/ church. "movtivation behind the war"
  • French and Indian War Effects

    French and Indian War Effects
    SUCCESS FOR BRITAIN: Large territorial claims. Colonists learn to unite.
    BAD FOR BRITAIN: debt. Gov. mad at colonists for not helping, want power to stay in London = American Rev.
    PROCLAMATION 1763: Colonists couldn't settle west of Appalachian Mountains. Indians fight back with Pontiac War. Britain makes taxes to pay.
    ACTS: Sugar, Currency, stamp, Quartering, Declaratory, Townsend
    STAMP ACT: Violated Americans liberties.
  • Period: to

    Laissez Faire Economics

    HAND OFF business, helps guid business for better profit
    Restrictions on tariffs and monopolies
    Resulted in chaos of Articles of COnfederation
    Started in Great BRitain under Adam SMith
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    BRITAIN vs. 13 COLONIES CAUSE: Americans resistance to taxes and Parliamentary acts. BOSTON TEA PARTY-> Britain closes Bostons port. = Colonies form Continental Congress + establish committees to rebel = Olive Branch Petition - Letter from colonists to King George III stating last attempt by North America to avoid war. TREATY OF PARIS: Ended it. Britain negotiated and ceded all NAtive territroy between appalachian nd mississippi.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    WRITTEN BY: Second Continental Congress, Jefferson, Adams,
    WHY: Stated that 13 colonies (who were currently under rule of Great Britain), would declare themselves independently sovereign states. They would form the USA.
    CONTENTS: Preamble
    RESULTS: Emancipation of black slaves. Bill of Rights. Constituion.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    WHAT: First American constitution. Established U.S as a loose confederation under weak national Congress. Not granted power to regulate commerce or collect taxes.
    WEAK CENTRAL GOV: Too weak to enforce laws and had no power. Had to borrow money to fight Rev. War and couldn't pay it back.
    SHAYS REBELLION: Unfair taxes in MA = farms foreclosed. Shay gathers 1200 men and attacks courts in west MA. Put down by state militia. Called for ARTICLES REVISION. fear of rebellion spreading to other states.
  • Articles of Confederation (Cont..)

    Couldn't regulate domestic/ foreign trade SOLVED BY CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION
  • British Violating Treaty of Paris

    British Violating Treaty of Paris
    • Did not give up control of Great Lakes Region (Detroit).
    • Used influence of Native Americans to destabilize region.
    • Argued that AMericands failed to live up to bargain to compensate Loyalists for confiscated property.
    • DIdnt give up force along Ohio River -\
  • Land Ordinance of 1785; Land Ordinance of 1787

    Land Ordinance of 1785; Land Ordinance of 1787
    1785; divided U.S into system of townships to facilitate sale of land to settlers and raise money. To pay off national debt.
    1787: passed under articles of confederation. Set up gov. in region north of Ohio River. IF territory reached pop of 60,000 or more, they could APPLY FOR STATEHOOD. Prohibited enslvament of anyone born in territory. CARRIED OVER INTO DRAFTING OF CONSTITUTION.
  • Constitution

    STRENGTHEN GOV: Federal taxes, Raised national army. Distribution of power -> Checks and Balances, National gov more powerful than states.
    RATIFICATION FIGHT: 9?13 stated had to ratify in order to become law. DIVIDED US INTO FEDERALISTS( supported const) AND ANTIFEDERALISTS.
    AMMENDMENTS: Bill of Rights, 13th Amm = no more slavery. 14th Amm = Rights of Citinship. 15th Amm = Voting for all races
  • Deism

    BELIEF: God created the universe, but withdrew from the development of humans.
    WHY: People started rejecting predestination. Leads to SECOND GREAT AWAKENING. "Religion of ENLIGHTENMENT"
  • Hamilton economic Policies (cont...)

    JEFFERSON REACTION: didn't like it because it didnt help the agrarian lifestlyle. he thought his society would be doomed. argued that the constitution did not allow a national bank
    GROWTH OF POLITICAL PARTIES: federalists vs. anti-federalists. Hamilton (republicans). BOTH JEFFERSON AND HAMILTON REPRESENTED PUBLIC OPINION. Washington remained neutral. democratic-republicans= loyaltoy to french federalists= good relationship with britain
  • Hamilton Economic Poilicies

    Hamilton Economic Poilicies
    FUNDING AND ASSUMPTION:federal government took over states' debts. exchange ner gov securities for old at face value. = Growth in Treasury
    TARIFFS: tariff act of 1789. Protective tariffs. ZTariff of 1824. Tariff of 1828= TARIFF OF ABOMINATIONS. NULIFICATION CRISIS (tariff of 1832)
    BANK OF US:national bank. necassary to stabilize and improve nations credit. McCulloh v. Maryland (1819)
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    PURPOSE: consists of first 10 constitutional amendments. Guarantee certain rights to U.S citizems i nall circumstances. Put forth by ANTI_FEDERALIST-> feared forms of gov intrusion on ersonal liberties
    TIMING: federalists v.s antifederalists. no centralized goverment. needed an overlying rule. entertained ideas of both sides.
  • Founding Fathers attitude toward political parties

    Founding Fathers attitude toward political parties
    "Factions dangerous to public interest"
    Politics are supposed to be collaborative, not competitive.
    FOUNDERS WERE REPUBLICANS = common good of people
    Search for common good lost in parties.
    Washington= didnt like it
    Jefferson= loved it
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    spread of slavery in south, south carolina, georgia
    INTERCHANGEABLE PARTS: used to reasemble muskets. allowed workers to produce a lot of weapons quickly and cheaply. made production faster. gave America a better stance in war.
  • Washingtons Neutrality Proclamation

    Washingtons Neutrality Proclamation
    U.S would not take sides after French Rev decleared war b/w France and England.
    Violation of Franco-American Treaty of 1778
    REASON: new nation of america had military force too small to fight britain or france.
  • Washingtons Farewell Adress

    Washingtons Farewell Adress
    32- page handwritten address
    Urged Americans to avoid poitical partyies.
    Warned against long-term alliances with other nations
  • Alien and Sedition Act (Cont...)

    KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA RESOLVES: Put into practice by Jefferson and Madison. Secretely made to get rights back that were taken by A+S acts.
    = eventually gives states more power than federal gov. =
  • Alien and Sedition Act

    Alien and Sedition Act
    -4 laws
    PASSED BY: Federalist COngress
    SIGNED BY: President Adams
    Naturalizatio act: increased waiting perdiod for immigrant to be come citizen
    Alian Act: empowered president to arrest and deport dangerous immigrants
    Alien Enemy Act: allowed the arrest and deprotation of citizens of countries at war with US
    Sedition Act: illegal to publish defamotry statements about federal gov or its officials FIRST 3 OUTLAWED BY XYZ AFFAIR
  • Southern and Eastern European Immigrants

    Southern and Eastern European Immigrants
    Ireland, Germany, Europe.
    Young and unskilled
    Immigration Act of 1924= quotas
    WHY: jobs, farming opportunites, new start, free leand, gold rush
    Experienced prejudice
    Mining boom in west= gold rush
    romanticizing of west
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    (REVOLUTION OF 1800)
    HAMILTON SUPPORTS JEFFERSON SIGNIFICANCE: political power was shifted b/w parties, peacefully. Cause FURTHER CONFLICT b/w Burr + Hamilton
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    U.S buys Louisiana Territory FROM FRANCINE for 15 Million.
    Secured American control of the Mississippi river and doubled size of nation. WHY JEFFERSON WANTED IT: wanted to secure trading routes for US. He feared that france would impose harsh taxes on america. WANTED TO EXPAND AGRARIAN LIFESTYLE
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    Chief Justice JOHN MARSHALL -> asserted right of of Supreme Court to determine meaning of Constitution. DECISION: established court's power of juicial review over acts of Congress,(judiciary Act)
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    TREATY OF GHENT: restored normality and made U.S give back FL. CAUSES: american outrage over impressment of American sailors by British. British seized american ships. British aid of Indians when they attacked americans on western frontier.
    BENEFIT OF U.S: could seize British northwest posts + annex FL from spain.
    WAR HAWKS: (led by Clay and Calhoun) wanted war w/ congress.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    WHO: meeting of New England Federaists
    WHERE: Hartford, Connecticut
    WHY: opposed war of 1812 and held voncention to complain to Washington and tell him how wrong the war was. example of Sectionalism
    approaching end of federalists party WHAT THEY WANTED: to remove 3/5 compromise. They didnt like the Louisiana PUrchase. Jacksons Victory in NEw Orleans killed federalist party
  • Compromise of 1820/Mo. Compromise

    Compromise of 1820/Mo. Compromise
    PURPOSE: Missouri wanted to join union as SLAVE STATE.
    Main= free state
    Mo= Slave state
    TERMS: James Monroe, Jeffeon
    HOW IT CHANGED MAP: congress made line across southern border of Missouri. All states above line are free states. 36 30.
    SIGNIFICANCE: talked about slavery and sectional blance. Wouldnt last for long.
    KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT: Ended it. established popular seovereignty.
    DRED SCOTT: declared Missour COmpromise Unconstitutional.
  • Period: to

    Cult of Domesticity

    Glorified customary function of the HOMEMAKER.
    KEPT MARRIED WOMAN WORKING IN THE HOME INTENTIONS: thoiugh it would elavate status of woman. Made role of wife and mother more important.
  • American system/ Clay-Whig policies

    American system/ Clay-Whig policies
    AMERICAN SYSTEM: to protect Western Hemisphere. Internal Improvements. Henry Clay.
    -strong banking system
    -protective tariff
    -transportation network CANAL BUILDING EFFECTS: Erie Canal- ohio, indiana, illinois. indsutrial companies. CONNECTING OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI. GREAT LAKES.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    REASONS: Britain and U.S scared of European colonial expansion in Americas.
    PHILOSOPHY: 1. European influence should be removed from north America. Wanted to be focused on westward expansion. 2. U.S could mold countries in west to support the interest.
    DEVELOPMENT: James Monroe first stated int at State of Union Adress.
    ROOSEVELT COROLLARY: 1933, interpreted in terms of Organization of American States. Asserted right of U.S to intervene in Latin AMerica. To stop spread of European influence
  • Tariff of Abominations/ Nullification Crisis

    Tariff of Abominations/ Nullification Crisis
    WHAT:Abo- raised tariff on imported manufactured goods. Protectected north, harmed south.
    Null- said abominations tariff was unconstitutional and null/void.
    CALHOUN: South Carolina. Wrote "exposition and PRotes" . invoked nullification.
    EFFECTS ON LATER SECESSION: seperation from alliance/ federation
    JACKSON"S REACTION: threatened to send troopts to any state wanting to nullify federal wlaws. DIRECTED TO CALHOUN
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

    INDIAN POLICY: Indian Removal Act- He could negotiate land exchange treateies wieh tribes east of Miss. River. Emiggration of thousands of indians to West. = Trail of Tears- forced movement of natives west. Indian removal act.
    EXPANSION OF SUFFRAGE: Womans suffrage- Stanton and ANthony. = 19th amm. WHite males could vote. Amm. Education.
    BANK OF US: Second Bank. taxes, provide loans. Paper money. stockholders, Biddle
    PET BANKS: he placed federal deposits to DESTROY NATIONAL BANK
  • Lowell System

    Lowell System
    Employed young woman from NEW ENGLAND
    took them out of farms and put them in FACTORES
    "mill girls"
    INVENTIONS: spinning jenny, spinning mule, water frame ENDED WITH STRIKES BECAUSE OF LOW PAY RESULT: Rhode Island System-> Samuel Slater
  • Transcendentalism

    people have communication and nature
    SIGNIFICQANCE: Individualism, emotion
  • Irish Immigration

    Irish Immigration
    POTATO FAMINE- Irelands main food source
    They didnt have a lot of money-> stayed in port cities.
    PROTESTANTS: didn't like them. thought irish wanted catholasicm to take over.
    WORK: servants, , construction workers. factories. slowly moved up social ladder.
    KNOW NOTHING (NATAVIST PARTY: developed from Star-Spangeld Banner. Wanted restrictions in immigration and laws that deported "aliens". DIDNT LIKE CATHOLICS (IRISH) leader- WIlliam Poole
  • Mexico

    ELECTION OF 1844: Henry Clay (whig) vs. James Polk (democrat)
    CLAY; wanted annexation, POLK: wanted to expand by adding texas and Oregon POLK WINS
    WHIG POLICY: supported gov programs, and public schools. They wanted internal improvements. DIDNT LIKE DEMOCRATS. Wanted tariffs, and abolition. Calhoun, WON LOG CABIN CAMPAIN. WANTED CLAY FOR PRESIDENT.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    WHIG POLICY: OPPOSED IT. wanted to unite everyone. DID NOT want war with Mexico! Thought U.S wasn't strong enough to expand. Didn't want political power to decrease.
    DEMOCRATIC POLICIES: EMBRACED IT. Polk.Oregon Territry, Mexico.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo
    ENDED MEXICAN- AMERICAN WAR- MExico wantd negotiation.
    Mexico gives TEXAS for 15 mill
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Declaration o Sentiments- equality. list of grievances
    -Secret societies
    -wanted education
    STANTON AND ANTHONY: abolitionists. Stanton= writing. Anthony= business. "Revolution". National Woamn Suffrage Association. Traveled to promote woamns rights.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    -Slave Trade in D.C is banned.
    -Splits up Texas
    -SIngned by Fillmore
    -North wanted to help the union CALIFORNIA: admitted as FREE STATE. Gold Rush.
    FUGITIVE SLAVE ACT: Slaves escaping through UNDERGROUND RAILROAD. Not liked by North. -Crime to help runaway slaved. -JUDGES PAYED EXTRA.
    -Personal Liberty Law
    -Fredrick DOugals
    -Dredd Scott- Brought to supree court. Denied freedom.
  • Emerson, Cooper & other 19th century authors

    Emerson, Cooper & other 19th century authors
    Edgar Allen Poe: American Romantic Movement
    Henry David Thoreau: american transcendantalist. Walden. refused to pay toll-tax.
    Harriet Beecher Stowe: wrote UNCLE TOMS CABIN -> pushed people to be anti slavery.
    EMERSON: "the transcendentalists" told people they were trapped by custom and normality
    COOPER: "letherstocking tales" COMMON SENSE: Thomas Paine
  • Popular Sovereignty

    Popular Sovereignty
    -Opposed by Northern abolitionists
    -Kansas-Nebraska Act (Stephen Douglas)
    "Bleeding Kansas"
    1. What would happen to slaves?
    2. How to regulate voting?
    KANSAS had final vote.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    SUPREME COURT; questioned his freedom. Said that black people were not part of citinzenship, so they didn't have a voice in the court.
    REACTION IN NORTH: DID NOT AGREE. Called court "southern fire-eaters". LINCOLN said no state could exclude slavrey from Constitution. WROTE ABOUT IT. Richmond ENqirer, Tribune.
  • Social Darwinsim

    Social Darwinsim
    NATURAL SELECTION!= laissez fairee style of economy
    "survival of the fittest"
    CHarles Darwin's biological theory of evolution
    Social Darwinists influneded late 19th century american society
    Herbert SPencer- Thed origin of Species
    Charles Murray
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    -abolitionist. Lead slave revolt by taking southern weapons and giving them to slaves. Kansas.
    Attacked Pottawatomie Creek.
    HARPERS FERRY: hung. Lee found out about his plans, killed him and his men.
    REACTION IN NORTH: became a martyr
    REACTION IN SOUTH: saw it as treason. wanted to seperate from north.
    Leads to civil war.
  • Civil war (cont...)

    Lincoln Blocks southern ports.
    Britain- neutrality
    LINCOLN- feared Britain +France siding with south. Launcehs propoganda to show them that union is beter.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    CAUSES: Missour Compromise, Abolitionsts movements, SLavery, Underground Railroad, Secessionism, Abraham Lincoln, States Rights- federal gov vs. free staes. Whig party dying.

    NORTH STRENGTHS: industry, larger army, cnetral gov. trapnsortation, $$, slaves and immigrants in army.
    NORTH WEAKNESSES:fighting far from home, weak leaders, democrats didnt support war
    SOUTH STRENGHTS: home court, robert lee, unified
    SOUTH WEAKNESSES: smaller army, ran out of food
  • Lincoln/Republican Policy on Slavery in 1860

    Lincoln/Republican Policy on Slavery in 1860
    "the great Emancipator"
    Antebellum debate.
    REPUBLICAN POLICY: enactment of free homestead legislation. SECESSION: though it was impractical. WOULD ALLOW EUROPE TO DENY MONROE DOCTRINE.
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    Emancipation Proclomation
    PURPOSE: gave freedom to slaves in south.Wanted to hurt confederacy, hurt its morale.
    TERMS: As soon as slave escapd, he became free. Slaves could become part o the army. LOOPHOLE OF ANTI SLVAERY.
  • Period: to

    Post Civil War Southern Society

    SHARECROPPING: system of work for freedmen emplyoyed in cotton industry. Traded labor for use of a house, and, and other things. Half or more of crop to landlords. BLACK CODES: laws passed by southern states denying ex-slaves complete ivil rights. Intended to force slavery back into plantations to prevent assimulation of african americans.
  • Period: to

    Transcontinental RR

    Linked eastern railroad system with california's rr system
    REVOLUTIONIZED TEANSPORTATION IN WEST. Easier to mail goods cheaper. Took land away from natives.
    GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES: Pacific RR acts. Land grants of ten alternating section on both sides of every mile of track.
    LAND GRANTS: gov bonds.
    EFFECT ON INDUSTRY: steam engine, new markets to sell and obstain goods, Building neigborhoods and cities along rr, moved men and equipment during the war,
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    William Lloyd Garrison
    "The Liberator"
    Founded American ANti-Slavery Society
    Favored North Secession
    Traveled.75% readers= black
    Burned copu of Constitution
    Helped 13th amm.
  • Period: to

    Growth of the Cities

    IMMIGRANTS!- new and old
    industry= factories and jobs for goods
    move to urban from rural
    MACHINE POLITICS: Tweed Ring- political organization that controls election results by awarding jobs in exchange for votes
    SANITATION: suage in streets, Public Health Service U.S Sanitary Commision
    STRATIFICATION OF CLASSES:groups layered on top of eachother, Business men on top, immigrants on bottom
  • Period: to

    Gilded-Age business cycles

    STEEL!!= Railroads
    Indedependent Industrial enterprises
    Standard OIl COmpany
  • Republican Reconstruction

    Republican Reconstruction
    Terms: Protective Tariffs, Pro- business national bank system, federal aid for railroad develpments, Civil Rights Act, 14th amm. ELECTION OF 1876- Rutherfod B.Hayes only recieved 165 electoral votes. Samuel J. Tilden- 184/185. Hayes wins!?= fraud suspected
  • Titans of Industry

    Titans of Industry
    John D. Rockefeller- petroleum and RR, Standard Oil Company= monopoly
    Andrew Carnegie- Steel 1892.
    J.P Morgan- banker who buys Carnegie's steel and renames it U.S steel. Gave $$ for WW1. ROBBER BARON
    Cornelius Vanderbilt- railroad and shipping
    HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION: combining of firms into one large corporation
    VERTICAL INTEGRATION: single company owns entire process from raw materials to finished product.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Federal law providing nativie american families with 160 acres of reservation land for farming and 320 for grazing.
    WHY: In hopes of aiimulating natives into white culture. Wnating to get rid of tribes and treat natives as individuals
  • Gospel of Wealth

    Gospel of Wealth
    Written by Andre Carnegie
    Promoted darwinism
    Wealth among few was better with bet result for capitalism
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    Banned any formations retricting trade
    Not Distinguishing between abd and good truts
    Showed Gov. moving away from laissez faire EFFECT ON UNIONS: forbade any a "restraint of commerce" across state lines. Showed the strikes and boyotts were covered by the law.
  • Populism

    William Jannings Bryan
    POLICIES: Gold standard, Income tax, direct election of senators, secret ballot , represent common folk against big business and rr
    SOUTHERN RACISM: populist movements were biracial, Southerners felt threatened, pushed harder to limit democratic reform.
    WHY IT FAILED: alienated african-american populists
  • Frederick Jackson Turner Thesis

    Frederick Jackson Turner Thesis
    WHAT: humanity would continue to progress as losg as there was land to move into.
    "The Significance of the Frontier in American History"
    ARGUED: moving west shaped U.S democracy
    Releases AMericans from euorpean mindsets
  • Brown V. Education and Plessy V. Ferguson

    Brown V. Education and Plessy V. Ferguson
    Seperat but equal in school is NOT good and violates 14th ammendment OVERTURNS PLESSY V FERGUSON- said yes to seperate but equal
  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

    "Splendid little war"
    U.S vs Spain
    WHERE: cuba and philippines
    RESULTS: CUba's independece and US annexing of PUerto Rico, GUam, and PHillipines
    YELLOW JOURNALISM: HEarst, Puliter published overexagerated articles to anger AMerican public towards span
    U.S.S MAINE: ship that explodes of coast of CUba, U.S blames spanish
    PHILLIPINES: wanted independence after signing of treaty of paris. Emilio Aquinaldo
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    WHAT: Statment of u.s foregih policy toward china. ANy country can hae equal access to any chinese port open to trade
    WHO: John Jay
    Splits up china
    =Boxer Rebellion
  • Frederick DOuglas v.s Du Bois

    Frederick DOuglas v.s Du Bois
    DUBOIS: believed that blacks needed to contribute to society in order to share it. Needed uniting of african amerifcans all oer the world.
    DOUGLAS: just wanted everyone to intergrate. BTH SUPPORTED AFRICAN AMERICANS!
  • Progressivism

    WHY: increase democracy in U.S by curbing power of corporation.
    MUCKRAKERS: journalist uncovring shameful realikty of american life. Ida Tarbell, Steffens, Riis, Sinclair, Social Gospel
    REFORMS: civil rights, conservation, health and meidicine, socialism, temperance, trust busting, womans rights, labor,
  • WW1 Industry

    WW1 Industry
    MODET T- HEnry ford. Affordable. = ASSEMBLY LINE
    regular work hours
    job benefitts
    FORD= every mans car
    faster production= smaller price
    helped in war by building weapons
  • WW2 VS WW1 Draft

    WW2 VS WW1 Draft
    WW1- easier to get out of it. Wasn't in the war for long, so not much time to protect system. = GI bill,. essense of hero
    WW2- protests, university riots, people don't want to leave their lives
  • Post WW1 Attitudes

    Post WW1 Attitudes
    nativism= limits on immigration
    woman: flapper, sexual awakening, workforce, stenographers, salweswoman
    youth:jazzm, movies, fitzgerald, parties, keaton, chaplin
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Last point of Wilsons 14
    WHY: assembly with sedats for all nations and special council for great powers. Created after WW1
    SENATE: foreign relations commitee, wanted to cut off debate, rejects treaty of versailles
    no obligation to preserve territory
  • Period: to

    1930's isolationism

    Emergency Quota act
    didn't want to approve treaty of versailles or joing elage of nations
    EUROPEN DEBT ISSUE: needs to sell goods to pay u.s back, so US RAISES TARIFFS!
    CONSEQUENCES: Great depression, couldn't sell and get goods internationaly, couldnt protect land, territory loss of control
  • Mellon Economic Policies

    Mellon Economic Policies
    "trickle down" tax policies favored rapid expansion of capital invetments= tax shifting to middle class
    Reduce national debt by making gov smaller= reduce national debt by 10 bilion
    ANdre Mellon- Secratary of treasury during harding admin. Reduce tax on businesses and wealthy individuals
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    JOHN THOMAS SCOPES violated tennessee state law by teaching evolution in high school
    CALRENCE DARROW- defender
    fendamentalism prevalent in rural areas
    seperation of church and state
  • 1920's literature

    1920's literature
    T.S Elliot- nobel peace prize in lit
    Hemingway= LOST GENERATION. The SUn Also Rises
    SINCLAIR LEWIS- muckraker. main street and babbitt, satire
    young people coming of age as writers
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact "Pact of Paris"

    Kellogg-Briand Pact "Pact of Paris"
    Pledge to get nations to outlaw ar
    Ratified by 62 nations
    instrument of national policy
    signed by coolidge's secreatry of state and french foreign minister
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    1929- collapse of sock market = depression
    buying and selling slows down
    tariffts from other countires to protect industries
    bonus march
    teapot dome
    Grapes of Wrath
  • Hoover attitude toward welfare and handouts

    Hoover attitude toward welfare and handouts
    wanted to restore confidnence in eocnomy
    RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM- every man shoud fend for himsef
    SMOOT HAWLEY TARIFF- imposed highest tariffs on imported goods = global trade war
    = emergency relief and reconstruction act
    reconstruction finance corpaoration- heloped businesses to not go bankrupt
    failed to fix bonus army
  • Period: to


    4 terms
    100 DAYS: alphabet soup programs
    COURT PACKING: attempted to appoint one new supreme court juctice for every sitting over 70. didnt work
    GOOD NEIGHBOOR: foreign poicy with latin america. economic influence rather in than military force
    LEND LEASE: gova loans and suppliess to country who woud help u.s in defense
  • Labor Unions

    Labor Unions
    GOMPERS: creator of american federation of labor. stable and unified union for skilled workers
    AFL: 1886 (gompers) voicew orking class. FOught against labor and debated conitions. Strikes
    CIO: LEWIS 1932. federation of u, organized workers in industrial u.

    WAGENR ACT: 1935. granted rights to u, collective bargaiing
    FAFT HARTLEY ACT: outloses closed shops and required union leaders to sign loyalty oath. required 80 day cooling off period before strike
    SHERMN ANTI TRUST: against monopolies
  • Neutrality acts

    Neutrality acts
    WHY: avoid american involvment in WW2 by preventing loans to those countires taking part in the conflict
    MODIFIED in 1939 to aow aid to great britain and allied nations
  • Period: to


    70 million killed
    hitler invades poland in 1939
    JAPANESE INTERNMENT CAMPS: relocation of japanese americans to "war relocation camps" becaue of aPEarl Harbor
    WOMAN IN WORKFORCE: "rosie the riveter"
    RCISM: double v. tuskegee airmen
  • Period: to


    FAIR DEAL: $ extension of New Deal. higher minimum wage, housing = Housing Act of 1914, Social Security Act 1950. opposition in congress
    REPUBLICAN CONGRESS: attacked by thomas dewey
    KOREAN WAR: communist north korea vs. non-communist south korea. UN helped SK
    CONTAINMENT: resisting furhter expansion of communism in world
    BERLIN AIRLIFT: 1948 supplied food and fuel to west berlin citizns when russians closed off acces
    GREECE: anti-communist aid
  • Period: to


    SUBURBS: push to suburbs= families
    NUCLEAR WAR SCARE: cuban missile crisis, russians building missile launces in cuba, kruschchev
    BABY BOOM: 1946-1964. prosperity, better edu and jobs. high rates of marriage
    SONSUMERISM: protection of intersts of consumrs
    ECONOMIC BOOM: buy more, inveet in buisness and industries
  • McCarthyism

    SENATOR JOSEPH McCARTHY- led search for communists in u.s. Leadership in Hounse of un- amerian activites comittee.
  • Period: to


    conmunist NV supported by chinese vs non-comunist SV supported by US
    GULF OF TONKIN: 1964 congressional resolution authroizing johnson to take military action in vietnam
    JOHNSON: war on poverty. food stamps and wefare, medicaid
    NIXON: vietnamziation . nixon doctrine. watergate
    PROTESTS: kent state. anti-war movement
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement

    demand rights for blacks and minorites. Rosa Parks, montgomery bus boycott, march on washington
    SIT INS: protests by black colege students sitting at "white only" lunch counterns demanding to be served .= Student Non-violent coordinating comm
    SCHOOL DESEGREGATION: brown v education
    MARTIN LUTHER KING: baptist minister. nonviolent resistansts assasinated in tenn. nobel peace prize
    MARCH ON WASHINGTON: 1963. "I have a dream"
    RADICAL LEADERS: Malcolm X, Black Panthers
  • sputnik

    Launced by MOSCOW- 1957
    U.S Fears soviet dominance in tecnology in space= space race
  • Cubvan Missile Crisis

    Cubvan Missile Crisis
    CLoseset approach to nuclear war
    U.S discovers soviets are making missile bases in CUba
    JFK wants naval blockade from Island
    Khrushcev says yes, on condiition that U.S doesn't invade cuba
  • 1960's protests

    1960's protests
    COUNTER CULTURE. Hippies, new left, rock n roll, colurful clothes, drugs. = birth control, aids
    WOMAN MOVEMENT: feminine mystique, National organizatioin for woamn, ERA, feminism, ferraro
    gay rights, environmental, vietnam war movement, civil rights
  • Period: to

    Lyndon Johnson

    1964- civil rights act
    1965- voting rights
    War on poverty
    GREAT SOCIETY- federal aid to education, civil rights
    foodstamps, welfare
    medicare, medicaid
    CIVIL RIGHTS: no discrimination in work place, equal opportunity commisisio. 24 amm outlows poll taxes