The Year 1000

By TMeff
  • Period: 500 to Apr 17, 1500

    The Year 1000

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Baghdad: Center of Knowledge

    Baghdad: Center of Knowledge
    As muslim control grew to Northern Africa and Europe ideas and knowledge spread like wild fire. Many cities became gathering places for scholars and traders. Baghdad became a center of science, math, medicine, and astronomy. Medical advancements among the most important of these.
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Justinian Code Spreads

    Justinian who ruled in the 500's made the first written law allowing fair treatment of the law for everyone. By 1100 AD this code had been adopted by much of Western Europe. This gave many cultures order and foundation for their civilization.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    The Great City: Constantinople

    The Great City: Constantinople
    Constantinople the strategic city of eastern orthodox Christians surounded by series of walls on three sides and a chained off canal on the other was taken when boats were rolled across land and into the channel. The invincible city finally falls and Hagia Sophia is turned into a mosque.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Mongol Control In China: The Yuan Dynasty

    Mongol Control In China: The Yuan Dynasty
    Kublai Khan announces the new dynasty that controls China. After being conquered china prospers. Wars in that area are brought to and end and the population grew. Under Kublai Khan the Grand Canal is expanded to his capital. This improves trade and life in China greatly.
  • Great Zimbabwe Trade

    Gold trade flourished by 900 AD in Great Zimbabwe making it a major trade port in Africa. The gold trade brought wealth to the land but also brought it's downfall. The population grew to a point that they could no longer sustain everyone.