
  • 500

    500 BC

    Abacus is invented by Chinese (the inventor is unknown) and this machine is considered the oldest for counting and calculating sums and substractions.
    The World’s Oldest Computing Device (tool)
  • Calculating Rods (1619)

    John Napier, Scottish, invented the Calculating Rods.
    It would convert a multiplication problem to an addition problem
  • Slide Rule (1620)

    Edmund Gunter, English, invented the Slide Rule
    Used to calculate logarithms
  • Adding Machine (1642)

    Blaise Pascal, French, invented the Adding Machine
    Used to add and subtract numbers
  • Stepped Reckoner (1674)

    Gottfried Wilhem von Leibniz, German, invented the Stepped Reckoner
    Used to add, subtract, multiply and divide
  • Punched Card Loom (1801)

    Joseph Jacquard, French, redesigned the weaving loom using punched cards.
    It was called the Punched Card Loom.
  • Analytical Engine (1835)

    Charles Babbage, English, begins work on the Analytical Engine.
    Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace is considered the 1st computer programmer based on her work with Babbage.
  • Analytical Engine (1835)

    Charles Babbage, English, begins work on the Analytical Engine.
    Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace is considered the 1st computer programmer based on her work with Babbage.
  • Computer

    We used to use fingers to count, so our system is based on 10.
    What does it mean “is based on 10”?
    Means that when we pass over 10 we start over again. We only have 10 fingers, so, it was a good number to manage counting
  • 3000 BC

    Babylonians used a counting Board to calculate numbers.
    It is not a huge improvement but they started to write and organize numbers on a board to count and calculate (sum/substract).
  • Z1, Z2 & Z3 (1935-41)

    Konrad Zuse from Germany invented the Z1, Z2 & Z3.
    This was the first working automatic and fully programmable digital computer. Most of the world did not find out until much later.
  • Colossus (1943)

    Tommy Flowers from England invented the Colossus It was used to break German codes during WWII.  
    After the war, Churchill had the computer destroyed for security purposes
  • 1st GENERATION (1946)

    John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert from the University of Pennsylvania  invented the ENIAC (1946).  It used 18,000 vacuum tubes.
    A vacuum tube is a tuve which contains air, and the air may let electricity pass or not.
    John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert invented the UNIVAC.   It is considered the 1st commercial modern computer
  • 2nd generation (1954)

    Transistors replaced the vacuum tubes
  • 3rd generation (1963)

    Integrated Circuits replaced the Transistors.
    1964 Digital Equipment Company introduced the PDP‐8 minicomputer for business.
    1969 ARPANET (Internet) was created to be able to connect or communicate among the users of  a network.
    1971 Ray Tomlinson sent the first e‐mail between computers.  The message was ‘QWERTYUIOP
  • 4TH Generation

    Integrated Circuit Chips replaced the Integrated Circuits.
    Personal Computers (Microcomputers) become available for home use. They were the Commodore Pet, TRS 80 and Apple II (1977).
    1981 IBM finally entered the home computer market with the IBM PC.
  • 5TH Generation

    Parallel Processing was widely accepted and wide area networks (WAN) and  
    local area networks (LAN) were developing rapidly.  
    Advancement in Artificial Technology
    Tim Berners‐Lee created the World Wide Web.  This was not simply a way to send files from one place to another but was itself a “web” of   information that anyone on the Internet could retrieve. (1991)