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The Whig Party

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    The Whig Party

  • New Politicial Party Starts

    The main leaders of this Party were Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. The Whigs were former National Republicans and other anti- Jackson forces.
  • First Whig Election

    The Whigs nominated three candidates in hopes of keeping Van Buren from getting majority of electoral votes. This plan failed and Van Buren won the election.
  • Whig Party Electives

    Whig party representative, William Henry Harrison became president. Senator John Tyler then became his vice president. Tyler's famous slogan was "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!"
  • The Death of Harrison

    President Harrison died 32 days after his inauguration due to pneumonia. John Tyler was the first vice president to gain the presidency due to the death of a president.
  • President Tyler

    The biggest success of the Tyler presidency was the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, which settled a long dispute over the border between Maine and Canada. This also set a firm U.S.-Canadian boundary from Maine to Minnesota.
  • Election of 1844

    Whig candidate, Henry Clay lost the election to Democratic candidate, James Polk
  • Last Whig President

    The Whigs elected president Zachary Taylor before the Party split into two groups. Taylor had died in office.
  • The Fall of the Whig Party

    The Whigs had different views on slave owners and plantations. The Party split up into two subcategories: the Conscience Whigs and the Cotton Whigs. Southerners had moved toward the Democratic Party and the Northerners moved toward the Republican Party.