The Things that Happened a Long Time Ago Timeline

  • Period: to

    The really old important things

  • O) Informing the Colonists

    O) Informing the Colonists
    2 American colonists, Paul Revere and William and Dawes rode into the town of Lexington to inform colonists that the british were coming.
  • BM) The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    BM) The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The British arrive, and arrive with the surprise that militia men are waiting for them. The first shot of the battle (also known as the shot heard around the world) started a chain reaction of shots, and that's how the battle began. (The British lost and were then held under the militia's power.)
  • B) The Battle of Bunker Hill

    B) The Battle of Bunker Hill
    On two hills, the american minutemen prepare for the redcoats to climb the hill and attack. They approached the americans three times and in the end the americans ran out of ammunition. (The British won but suffered great losses.)
  • D) The Olive Branch Petition

    Congress sends a petition to King George to ask for him to protect the colonists' rights.
  • D) Common Sense

    D) Common Sense
    Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense to convince colonists that it was time that America parted with Britain.
  • DM) The Declaration of Independance

    DM) The Declaration of Independance
    Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration to announce why America was becoming their own nation.
  • B) The Battle of Long Island

    The British arrive in New York prepared to stop the rebellion. (British win and force colonists to evacuate New York)
  • B) The Battle of Harlem Hights

    Small forces from both British and Americans fight in upper Manhattan. (Neither side benefitted from the dual)
  • B) The Battle of White Plains

    The British and Americans battle it out, with almost the same amount of soldiers on each side. (Both armies were forced to retreat)
  • B) The Battle of Trenton

    B) The Battle of Trenton
    George Washington led 24 hundred troops across the Delaware River to Trenton to fight the British. (Americans had the element of surprise and won the battle giving all Americans hope)
  • B) The Battle of Princeton

    A battle between British and Americans where the british tried the tactic of encirclement. (Americans win by outmanoevering the British)
  • B) The Battle of Hubbardton

    The British followed the American army from Ticonderoga to Hubbardton. (The British win against the americans)
  • B) The Battle of Bennington

    A general's (burgoyne) plan against the British goes wrong when the British decide to go somewhere they weren't planning to. The american army decided to follow them. (Americans win resoundingly)
  • B) The Battle of Brandywine Creek

    The Continental Army and British soldiers and hessians battle and Brandywine Creek, which is located west of Philadelphia. (The British drive the Americans away from their location)
  • B) The Battle of Paoli

    After Washington was forced to go to Philadelphia, the british followed and attacked Pensylvania's poorly organized militia. (The militia were so unready for this attack that the British had almost an easy win)
  • B) The Battle of Germantown

    The Continental army duke it out with the british troops/hessians just above Philadelphia. (The british one though Washington was able to reform his army's positions)
  • BM) Battle of Saratoga

    BM) Battle of Saratoga
    A British plan backfires ending with a large American army captuting a smaller british army. (Americans win after a british general surrenders after realizing they were stuck)
  • D) The Articles of Confederation

    D) The Articles of Confederation
    Written by 13 representatives from 13 different colonies in Philadelphia, Pensylvania in order the establish government in the colonies.
  • B) The Battle of Monmouth

    The British army and American army/militia battle each other in New Jersey with Americans with 1,000 more men than the British. (Even though America had the advantage, the battle was still a draw)
  • B) The Bonhomme Richard vs. The Serapis

    B) The Bonhomme Richard vs. The Serapis
    John Paul Jones faces a British warship after badly damaging his ship. (John Paul defeats the British warship and becomes a heroic figure to the American Patriots)
  • B) The Battle of Camden

    The British heard about the Americans attack in Camden and planned a night attack, but the Americans had the same idea. (The british won because the Americans didn't think they would attack at night)
  • B) The Battle of King's Mountain

    The loyalists and patriots fight at King's Mountain located in South Carolina. (the loyalists were destroyed by the patriots)
  • B) The Battle of Cowpens

    The Americans go head to head with the British/loyalists on the borders of North and South Carolinas. (the Americans win overwhelmingly)
  • BM) The Battle of Yorktown

    The two armies finally realize that they need one more battle to win. This battle ended on the 19th of October, 1781. (America wins after trapping the British who realized they had no chance)
  • DM) The Treaty of Paris

    DM) The Treaty of Paris
    The final settlement of the new nation (America) was finally signed and we became an independant nation.