American revolution hero ab

Guilherme DeOliveira Revolutionary War Timeline

  • A Turning Point

    French were still angered for their loss in the French and Indian war and had secretly aided the Americans with weapons and supplies since early times in the Revolutionary War
  • The War Moves to the Middle States

    The British retreated from Boston which moved the war grounds. A strategy they came up to stop rebellion was to isolate New England which was right in the mist of the thirteen original colonies
  • Defeat in New York

    General Howe and Admiral Howe joined forces on Staten island and sailed to New York with an army strength of 32,000 to take control
  • Continental Army Withdraw from NY

    Washington was able to get 23,000 men to defend New York. However they had poor equipment and untrained soldiers the continental army had to retreat taking heavy losses
  • Continental Retreat

    By late fall, the British had pushed Washington troops across the Delaware into Pennsylvania. His army sized to about 8,000 since many had died or deserted and those that remained had contracts to only December 31st
  • Across the Delaware into the Battle of Trenton

    In a desperate need of a moral boost , Washington risked everything in one strike Trenton
  • The Infamous Strike in Trenton

    The Infamous Strike in Trenton
    Trenton was held by Hessian soldiers at the time. These were German mercenaries who were basically paid to fight for the British. Most hessian troops at the time were drunk and still dosed off from the night before. In Washington's surprise attack, he took 918 captives and 6 cannons. A much needed Victory
  • Battle at Princeton

    Eight days later the Americans also have a welcoming victory at Princeton against 1,200 British soldiers. Encouraged by these victories, Washington marched his army into winter camp near Morristown
  • The Fight for Philadelphia

    General Howe began a campaign to seize the american capital in the state. His troops sailed from NY to Chesapeake bay and were positioned near the capital. The continental congress were forced to flee the capital while Washington tried to block the British soldiers at Brandywine however they were unsuccessful
  • American Victory at Saratoga

    American Victory at Saratoga
    General Burgoyne had a plan to lead an army down a route of lakes from Canada to Albany where in NY he would meet General Howe and join troops. Burgoyne was a men of noblety and decided to bring everything he thought necessary, including personal items. He took several hits from the Great mountain boys which slowly drained his army in size and energy. To make things worse Howe was busy in Phili and was not coming to meet him. American troops surrounded British and were forced to surrender
  • Valley Forge

    Washington and his men camped outside of Philadelphia which proved to be a dreadful mistake for the continental army. Many died of lack of supplies and extreme cold.
  • French Treaty of Cooperation

    The Saratoga Victory sparked French interest in the American revolution. They recognized American Independence and signed an alliance with the Americans. Its terms included that French would not be in peace with Britain unless Britain acknowledged the American Indepence
  • European Allies Shift the Balance of the War

    During Valley Forge American troops began to bloom and become better soldiers. A Prussian captain named Friedrich von Steuben volunteered to train the continental army. From his help they were able to become an effective fighting force
  • The British Move South

    After the defeat in Saratoga, the Bristish decided to change their military strategy. They began to shift their military operations towards the south to gain loyalist help and then start to move up north again
  • Early British Success in the South

    British expeditions easily took Savannah Georgia
  • Georgia's New Law

    After British came in to Georgia, a royal governor again commended the government and Georgia
  • Lafayeete and the French

    Marquis de Lafayette a French aristocrat offered his services to the continental army. He joined Washington's staff and lead a command in Virginia.
  • British Expedition South

    General Henry Clinton and General Cornwallis join forces and brain and sailed south with 8,500 men
  • British Capture Charles Town

    One of British greatest accomplishments was capturing Charleston, South Carolina and 5,500 prisoners of war doing so. Clinton then left for NY and Cornwallis was left to command the forces located in the south
  • French Army Comes to the Rescue

    As page 121 states" a combination of good luck and well timed decisions now favored the American cause." French aid had finally arrived but had not been used. Over 6,000 man had landed in Newport Rhode Island. When the plans of Cornwallis reached Lafayette he decided to join the American and french foot soldiers and that the two French fleets to one attack at Yorktown.
  • Cornwallis Success

    in August Cornwallis was able to break the American forces at Camden South Carolina and within 3 months the British had forts across the state of south Carolina. However Cornwallis later on tried to move on into North Carolina and Patriot bands would attack the troops and he was forced to retreat back.
  • Battle at Cowpens, SC

    Washington ordered Nathanel Greene to march south and harass Cornwallis and his troops. Green decided to divide his troops into two leaving general Daniel Morgan in charge. Cornwallis ordered Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton to pursue Morgan and his soldiers. Morgan lead him into a extensive chase and when they met the British expected the Americans to flee. However they did no the continental army fought back and forced red coats to surrender
  • Battle at Guilford Court House

    Cornwallis was disappointed by the defeat at Cowpens. Two months later, as a revenge attack, he decided to attack Greene at Guilford. Cornwallis won this battle but took severe casualties
  • Weak British and a Concerned Greene

    Greene had weakened the British fighting force but was worried about the fight for the South. He wrote a letter to Lafayette asking for his help
  • Financing the War

    In the time of war, inflation is what usually happens to a nation. The high demand of factorization of weapons. Congress was broke and made more money paper money then they actually have. In order to keep finances in check they appointed rich Robert Morris as superintendent of finance. Their jobs was raise money and provide pay for the Continental army to keep running
  • The Continental Army Finally is Paid

    Along with Morris, Haym Salomon, a Jewish political refugee, were able to raise enough money from many including Quakers and Jews
  • Victory at Yorktown

    A french naval force defeated British fleet and then blocked the entrance of Chesapeake bay. 17,000 French and American troops surrounded the British on the Yorktown peninsula and bombarded them. Finally, on October 17,1781 the British were outplayed and Cornwallis surrendered.
  • Surrender of British at Yorktown

    Surrender of British at Yorktown
    Colonel Fontaine and French allies were able to get the British to surrender and win the American Revolution and gains its independence
  • Seeking Peace

    Representatives of the United states, Great Britain, France and Spain joined negotiations trying to find harmony amongst them. Britain didn't want to give america full independence. french supported the independence but feared The US of becoming a greater power. Spain wanted land of Appalachians to the Mississippi river.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The delegates along with the appointed by the congress (John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and John Jay of NY) signed the Treaty of Paris. It declared the US as independent and set new boundaries for the nation. United states would no be form the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from Canada to the Florida Border