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Revolutionary War Timeline By: Katherine De Oliveira

  • French sent weapons to America

    In early 1776, the French had secretly sent weapons to the Patriots because they were mad the British had defeated them in the French and Indian War.
  • British left Boston

    The British troops retreated from Boston, which changed the location of the war to the Middle states instead of the New England colonies.
  • Howe brothers joined the largest British force ever

    During the summer of 1776, General William Howe and Admirial Richard Howe came together and traveled into the New York harbor with the largest British expeditionary force ever assembled. It was made up of 32,00 soldiers, including German mercenaries. In response, Washington assembled 23,000 men to protect New York.
  • Battle of New York

    In late August, the battle for New York finished with a retreat made by American troops and their heavy casualties. The untrained soldiers along with their poor equipment led to the British victory over New York.
  • British push colonists to Pennsylvania

    In late fall, the British had pushed Washington's men across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania. Most of the soldiers under the command of Washington died, left, or were captured by the British.
  • Washington and his men sail on Delaware River

    George Washington led 2,400 men across the cold Delaware River in small rowboats.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    The Continental Army had traveled to Trenton, New Jersey and led a surprise attack that resulted in a victory. The men were able to kill 30 of the enemy, took 918 British as captives, and took 6 Hessian cannons.
  • Victory at Princeton

    Washington's men defeated the 1,200 British in Princeton. Then, they all went to a winter camp near Morristown, New Jersey encouraged by their newest victories.
  • British takes control of the Philadelphia

    In late August, General Howe and his troops landed near the capital of Philadelphia after sailing from New York to the head of the Chesapeake Bay. The British captured Philadelphia and made the Continental Congress flee the city.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    General John Burgoyne is surrounded at Saratoga by American troops and surrenders his army to General Gates.
  • Washington and his men at Valley Forge

    During the winter of 1777-1778 the Continental Army camped at Valley Forge. The rough conditions led to the death of 2,000 men out of 10,000.
  • French alliance

    French alliance
    Impressed with the victory in the Battle of Saratoga, the French recognized American independence and signed an alliance with them. Thus, the French agreed not to make peace with Britain unless Britain also accepted the American colonies independence.
  • Friedrich von Steuben helps the army

    Friedrich von Steuben volunteered to help Washington's men become strong soldiers. He taught the men how to fight in battles and the Continental Army was changing into a powerful force.
  • British moves South

    In the summer of 1778, Britain sent their troops to the South after their loss at Saratoga. They hoped their new destination would benefit them as they rallied the support of Loyalists, worked to reclaim their former colonies, and slowly fight their way back to the north.
  • British expedition takes Savannah

    The British led a journey that was easily able to take control of Savannah, Georgia.
  • Marquis de Lafayette helps America

    In the year of 1779, Marquis de Lafayette offered his assisance to Washington's men and persuaded for French reinforcements in France in order to help the Continental Army.
  • British controls Georgia

    In the spring of 1779, a governor from Great Britain (or royal governor) once again held authority over the state of Georgia.
  • Cornwallis travels south

    In the year 1780, General Henry Clinton and General Charles Cornwallis sailed south with 8,500 men to reclaim former colonies. For the most part of that year, Cornwallis succeeded.
  • Charles Town is captured

    Under the command of General Charles Cornwallis, the British were able to capture Charles Town, South Carolina and take 5,500 American soldiers as prisoners of war.
  • British victory in Camden

    General Cornwallis' army was able to defeat the American soldiers at Camden, South Carolina.
  • French army arrives to help the colonists

    A French army of 6,000 men landed in Newport, Rhode Island right after Britain left the state to focus on the South. The French army had finally arrived to help the colonists.
  • British forts in the south

    From August to November of 1780, the British were able to establish forts across the state of South Carolina.
  • Surrender at Cowpens

    General Daniel Morgan's crew of 600 men met with the British at Cowpens, South Carolina. Although the British expected a quick victory, the Continental Army fought and forced the British to surrender.
  • Victory in North Carolina

    Cornwallis attacked Nathanael Greene at Guilford Court House, North Carolina in anger for his defeat at Cowpens. Cornwallis was able to walk out with a victory but it cost him nearly a fourth of his troops.
  • Congress makes someone in charge of finance for the war

    in the year 1781, the Continental Congress made a rich Philadelphia man, Robert Morris, as superintendent of finance. The Congress ran out of money and inflation as well as profiteering started to occur. Therefore, Robert and his associate Haym begged and borrowed on their personal credit to raise money for the Continental Army.
  • Money for the soldiers

    The Continental Army finally earned their salary in specie, or gold coin. The efforts from Robert Morris and Haym Salomon played a huge role in this action.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Cornwallis is forced to surrender at Yorktown by waving a white flag. He was outnumbered by French and American forces, with no way of getting reinforcements for himself.
  • Formal acceptance of British surrender

    Washington and his men along with the French all joined to accept the British surrender. General Charles O'Hara represented Cornwallis and he handed over his sword before the British troops laid down their arms. The American Revolution was over.
  • Peace talks begin

    The representatives of four nations--the United States, Great Britain, France, and Spain--all met in Paris to begin the peace talks and negotiation after the American Revolution ended.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The delegates signed the Treaty Of Paris, which confirmed that the United States was now independent from British rule and it specified their boundary. The United States was from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from Canada to the Florida border.