The Scramble For Africa - 25 EVENT TIMELINE by Ghita and Sara

By glahlou
  • Africa was under full control

    Africa was under full control
    Africa was a very strategic location due to its natural resources and trade routes. That is why European powers moved quickly to that area and try to take over the maximum territories they could.
  • France and Prussia

    France and Prussia
    France and Prussia both wanted lands in Western Africa.
    They Fought in a war to find out who will get it.
    Prussia defeated France and got the land they wanted.
  • Gold Coast declared a British colony

    Gold Coast declared a British colony
    Britain had power over the territories in the coast of Africa. They took over, what is now called Ghana, and declared it their colony.
  • Leopold II

    Leopold II
    Leopold, leader of Belgian colonialists, wanted to take ownership of lands in Africa.
    He started building a colony along the congo river in africa.
    He was trying to acquire it as a personal holding not for his whole nation.
  • Britain acquires South Africa

    Britain acquires South African land.
    Why? Because it was a major route for trading purposes to India.
  • Britain acquires Eastern Coastline of Africa

    After South Africa, Britain moved towards the east of Africa. They made it all the way to the east coast which made them have bigger routes to India and the Mediterranean.
  • Britain acquires North Africa

    After South Africa and Eastern Coastline, Britain started leaning towards Northern Africa.
    They were Informed that there is gold and silver in northern regions.
    They then took over Egypt and Sudan.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    It was a meeting between European powers trying to equally divide and take over lands in Africa.
    It was held to divide the territories among themselves without any disagreement.
  • Leopold’s rule

    Leopold exploited African territories.
    He treated Congo's citizens in a very harsh manner to get what he wanted from the territories.
    More than 5 million people, in Congo died, within a 20 year period due to exploitation and diseases.
  • Germany establishes a protectorate

    Germany establishes a protectorate in East Africa in 1885.
    Bismarck announces a protectorate in East Africa.
    Suez Canal is threatened.
  • Culture groups of Africa are split by imaginary boundaries 1886

    Europeans begin to divide Africa into colonies without considering previous ethnic groups and rivalries
  • Anglo-Turkish agreement

    Created to kick Britain out of Egypt because of the attack against Turkey by the Franco-Russian
  • Invention of first machine gun

    The invention of first machine gun was used to take control of Africa.
    The Maxim Gun was the first machine gun that ever existed.
    It was used in 1889 by European powers to show power and take over territories more easily.
  • Rhodes and the maxium gun

    Rhodes used the maxim gun to take control of rhodesia.
    Rhodes used the Maxim Gun for the first time at Shangari River in 1893.
    In the battle, 1,500 natives died but Rhodes lost only four men.
    He renamed Matabele Land 'Rhodesia' in honor of himself.

    When british took over South Africa, they found out that the boers were occupying this area first.
    British decided to fight for the land.
    British defeated the Boers and took over the area.
  • France takes over Madagascar

    France annexes Madagascar as a colony and later unifies the country under a single government.
  • Ethiopia and Italy

    Ethiopia and Italy
    Ethiopia resisted Italian’s conquest.
    Ethiopia successfully resisted European conquest against Italians at the battle of Adwa.
  • Ethiopia and Liberia

    Ethiopia and Liberia
    Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent.
    At this point, only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent of European colonisation.
  • Fashoda Crisis

    Fashoda Crisis
    Britain and France argued over the land of Fashoda.
    Both Britain and France thought they owned the land of Fashoda.
    They were going to go to war but developed an agreement that appeased the two nations.
    Ango French Agreement:
    French took Morocco and Fashoda
    Britain took over Egypt and Sudan
  • Period: to

    Second Boer War

    After Britian’s success in defeating the Boers for South Africa, They came back to regain the land again. The war lasted three years. Britain still remained owner of South Africa.
  • Federation of French West Africa

    Federation of French West Africa
    France creates federation of French West Africa.
    "A former federation of French territories in western Africa comprising the present-day countries of Benin,Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal."
  • Period: to

    Maji Maji rebellion in Tanzania

    An armed rebellion against German colonial rule in German East Africa, modern-day Tanzania. The war was triggered by a German policy designed to force the population to grow cotton for export, and lasted from 1905 to 1907
  • Congo Free State conquered

    Belgium takes over Congo Free State. Congo officially annexed by Belgium in 1908.
  • Morocco as a protectorate

    French makes Morocco a protectorate in 1912. After long years of trying to conquer Morocco, Morocco is officially a French protectorate.
  • Britain and French and German colonies

    Britain and France occupy German colonies in West Africa.
    France and Britain are interested in Western Africa. They take over German colonies in West Africa.