
The Road to War

  • Events leading up to World War I

    Events leading up to World War I
    Explosive that was World War One had been long in stockpiling; spark was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austro-Hungary throne, Sarajevo on June 28,1914.
  • Events leading up to World War I

    Explosive that was World War One had been long in stockpiling; spark was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austro-Hungary throne, Sarajevo on June 28,1914
  • Events leading up to World War I

    Events leading up to World War I
    Events of July & early August 1914 are classic case of “ one thing led to another” otherwise known as treaty alliance system.
  • Events leading up to World War I

    Unsatisfied with Serbia’s response to her ultimatum almost entirely placatory: however jibbing over couple of minor clauses gave Austria-Hungary her sought-after cue declared war on Serbia on July28, 1914.
  • Events leading up to World War I

    Events leading up to World War I
    Austria-Hungary-, Unsatisfied with Serbia’s response to her ultimatum almost entirely placatory: however jibbing over couple of minor clauses gave Austria-Hungary her sought-after cue declared war on Serbia on July28, 1914.
  • Events leading up to World War I

    Events leading up to World War I
    Events of July & early August 1914 are classic case of “ one thing led to another” otherwise known as treaty alliance system
  • Events leading up to World War I

    Events leading up to World War I
    Japan-Honouring military agreement with Britain, declared war on Germany August23, 1914. Two days later Austria –Hungary responded by declaring war on Japan.
  • Events leading up to World War I

    Events leading up to World War I
    Italy-although allied both Germany & Austria-Hungary, was able to avoid entering the fray by citing a clause enabling it to evade obligations to both. In short, Italy was committed to defend Germany & Austria-Hungary only in the event of a defensive war arguing that their actions were offensive declared instead a policy of neutrality. Following year in May 1915, she finally joined the conflict by siding with the Allies against her two former allies.
  • Events leading up to World War I

    Events leading up to World War I
    Germany- Allied to Austria-Hungary by treaty, viewed Russian mobilization as an act of war against Austria-Hungary, after scant warming declared war on Russia on August 1.
  • Events leading up to World War I

    Events leading up to World War I
    President Woodrow Wilson declared a U.S. policy of absolute neutrality, official stance that would last until 1917 when Germany’s policy of unrestricted submarine warfare- which seriously threated America’s commercial shipping – forced the U.S. to finally enter the war; April6, 1917.