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The Revolution of the Computer

By aarikak
  • Steam-driven calculating machine

    Steam-driven calculating machine
    English mathematician Charles Babbage creats a a steam-driven calculating machine that would be able to count tables of numbers. The project, which was funded by the English government, was a failure. This was the first type of computer model.
  • How the computer began

    How the computer began
    They wanted a faster easier way to tabulate the U.S. census. The population was getting to large to be able to count and tabulate the numbers. This was the main reason as to why the thought of a computer came to mind, and this is why the computer was needed.
  • Why was there a need

    Why was there a need
    For centuries humans have needed help in calculating, making trade transactions, taking a population census, or figuring out distances. The population was starting to grow, and they needed an easier way to be able to tabulate numbers and do the work for them.
  • Where did it begin?

    Where did it begin?
    It all began with a machine Herman Hollerith began designing in 1881 to tabulate the census in a much modern and faster way than the methods the governments had in those days. Hollerith formed his company to sell the machine and became part of the IBM.
  • Punch card system

    Punch card system
    Herman Hollerith designs a punch card system to calculate the 1880 census accomplishing the task in just three years and saving the government $5 million. He establishes a company that would ultimately become IBM. This was the first ever type of computer that was introduced to the world.
  • Turing machine

    Turing machine
    Alan Turning presents the notion of a universal machine, later called the Turning machine, capable of computing anything that is computable. This machine was used to give a mathmatically precise definiton of algorithm, or 'mechanical procedure'. This was a step closer to the invention of the present day computer. This is different from the first model, because this is more of a mathmatical computer whereas the first type of computer was to tabulate numbers.
  • First computer attempt

    First computer attempt
    J.V. Atanasnoff, a professer of physics and mathamatics at Iowa State University, attempts to build the first computer without gears, cams, belts, or shafts.
  • First computer to store information

    First computer to store information
    Alanasnoff and his graduate student, Clifford Berry, design a computer that can solve 29 equations simotaniously. This is the first computer marked in history to be able to store information on its main memory.
  • Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

    Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
    Two professors from the University of Pennsylvania, John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, build the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator.
  • First commercial computer

    First commercial computer
    Mauchly and Presper leave the University of Pennsylvania and recieve funding from the census bureau to build the UNIVAC, the first commercial computer for business and government applications.
  • Translator is invented

    Translator is invented
    William Shockly, John Bardeen and Walter Brattian of Bell Laboratories invent the translator.

    The FORTRAN language is born. The first computer language was invented, which eventually becomes known as COBOL. It was the language Fortran and developed at IBM and became the first ever widely used high level programming language.
  • Prototype of modern computer

    Prototype of modern computer
    Douglas Engelbart shows a prototype of a modern computer, with a mouse and graphical user interface.
  • Personal computers hit the market

    Personal computers hit the market
    A number of personal computers hit the market.
  • Microsoft is formed

    Microsoft is formed
    Paul Allen and Bill Gates, offer to make software for the Altair. After there first endevor was a success, the two childhood friends create their own software company, Microsoft.
  • Apple computers begin

    Apple computers begin
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak start Apple Computers, the first computer with a single-circuit board. The Apple Computer Company realesed the first model of the apple computer. They were designed and hand made by Steve Wozniak, and Steve Jobs had the idea of selling the computer.
  • Apple 2

    Apple 2
    Apple 2 became one of the most popular computers ever. It was a huge improvment from apple 1, but it still contained the same processor and ran at the same speed. Some of the new features that was on this computer was that it included color display, 8 different internal expansion slots, and a case with a keyboard.
  • Radio Shack's new computer

    Radio Shack's new computer
    Radio Shack's new computer came out. It sold like crazy. This made non computer people able to create programs and make computers do what they wanted them to.
  • Apple Macintosh

    Apple Macintosh
    The first apple macintosh computer was sold for $2,495. The price made it the first computer to make graphical user interaces avaliable to middle class homes and buisnesses. It quickly became obvious that the computer was insufficient, so apple came out with a new model within 8 months.
  • Macintosh 2

    Macintosh 2
    The Macintosh 2 was the first 32 bit mac and the first ever mac with color capabilities.
  • Portable Macintosh

    Portable Macintosh
    Apples first attempt at a more easily portable macintosh. The reaction to it was poor. The computer was clunky and slow and was incedibly expensive. It was sold for $6,500.
  • Ibook

    The ibook was one of the most anxiously awaited apple computer ever.
  • First Macbook

    First Macbook
    The first macbook replaced the iBook replaced the ibook. It's the low end of the macbook computers, but at the time it was the best of the best
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    Steve Jobs unveiled the first ever iphone at the Macworld Confrence and Expo in San Franscisco. The first model was pretty much a computer that was alble to make phone calls.
  • sources

    Zimmermann, By Kim Ann. "History of Computers: A Brief Timeline." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 08 Sept. 2015. Web. 28 Oct. 2015. "Apple II Computer." Apple II Computer. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2015. "The Evolution of the Computer -- from 1613 to 2013." BetaNews. N.p., 05 Sept. 2014. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
  • New generation of computers

    New generation of computers
    Computers and laptops run way more efficiently and faster than the other models. we have come a long way from the first computer that was made. Iphones have new technology that changed the world.