The Reign of Isabella II

By Asierc
  • reign of Isabella II

    reign of Isabella II
    On the death of Fernando VII on September 29, 1833, his wife, María Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias assumed the Regency with the support of the Liberals and, on behalf of his daughter and future queen, Isabel II. It will occupy the Regency until 1840 when it was replaced by General Baldomero Espartero.
  • Royal Statute 1834

    Royal Statute 1834
    El 10 de abril de 1834 se promulga el Estatuto Real a modo de carta otorgada que pretende superar la norma fundamental anterior de 1812 y contentar a liberales y moderados.
  • Mendizabal goverment

    Mendizabal goverment
    Mendizábal's cabinet found itself with a Treasury practically without funds, and before a (Carlist) war from which it was necessary to turn it around. To obtain funds, the confiscation of ecclesiastical assets of the clergy was approved
  • Disentailment of Mendizabal

    Disentailment of Mendizabal
    Process for which J.A.Mendizábal stands out and has a great social impact at the time. Through this he intended to appease debts, finance the war, increase agricultural production by selling and dispossessing "dead lands" and support loan requests abroad to finance liberal development projects.
  • Progressive Government

    After these events, the new Prime Minister was José María Calatrava. He promoted a social policy that will be approved by the first law in Spain that regulated and recognized freedom of the press. But the most important task was the adaptation of the Constitution of 1812 to the new reality (as the Regent had promised by Royal Decree during the Mutiny of the Farm) with the approval of the Constitution of 1837.
  • Constitution of 1837

    Constitution of 1837
    The Spanish Constitution of 1837 remained in force from 1837 to 1845. His main legacy was to recover the most progressive measures of the Constitution of 1812 and leave in Spain the feeling of service of a constitution that established the political system of the State.
  • Espartero Regency

    Espartero Regency
    General Espartero becomes the main character of progressive liberalism after having obtained several resounding victories over the Carlists and achieving the end of the war with the Embrace of Vergara (1839).
    In 1840 he obtained the Head of Government. In this position he will have constant confrontations with the Regent that will end with the resignation of María Cristina to the regency (1840). The Cortes then appointed Espartero Regent until the majority of Isabel II (1843).
  • General O'Donell Statement

    General O'Donell Statement
    The pronouncements took place from October 1841, when O'Donnell rose up in Pamplona and other generals in Zaragoza and the Basque Country, while civil uprisings of a republican nature took place, most of them in the big cities. They were controlled by Espartero.
  • General Narváez Statement

    General Narváez Statement
    It caused the fall of Espartero and the advancement of the coming of age of Isabel II. In 1844 the government of the Moderate Party (Moderate Decade 1844-1854) begins.
  • Constitution 1845

    Constitution 1845
    One of the first actions of Narváez in power was the reform of the Constitution of 1837, which resulted in a new Constitution, the 1845, with a different doctrinal basis.
  • Moderate Governments

    This period was dominated by instability. After a brief government of O'Donell, the queen called the moderates, who, led by Narváez, ruled until 1858. In 1858 the government of the Liberal Union of 0'Donell begins until 1863. Between 1863 and 1868, the authoritarian situation of successive governments increased opposition to the Elizabethan regime. This caused the Glorious Revolution of 1868 and the fall of Isabella II.
  • Disentailment of Madoz

    Disentailment of Madoz
    When the progressives come to power again (1854-1856), they assume that the economic modernization of the country needs Confiscation. At this stage, the progressive Minister of Finance Pascual Madoz will start again the confiscation process.There is talk of "general confiscation", and now they will be put on sale forcibly, although with compensation, the Church’s assets that remain unsold, but also property and land of municipalities: common and own state and other institutions.
  • Moyano law

    Moyano law
    The Moyano Law, was a Spanish law promoted in 1857 by the Moderate Party government. It incorporated a good part of the Public Instruction Law Project of December 9, 1855, prepared during the Progressive Biennium by the Minister of Development Manuel Alonso Martínez. It was approved thanks to the legislative initiative promoted by Claudio Moyano. It stands out for being the first time that Spanish legislation establishes an obligation regarding the state creation of girls' schools.
  • The revolution of 1868: "La Gloriosa"

    The revolution of 1868: "La Gloriosa"
    The beginning of the plot to overthrow Elizabeth II took place in the Belgian city of Ostend, it was the Pact of Ostend. On August 16, 1866, a group of 45 representatives of the progressive and democratic parties organized themselves to define a provisional government that could exercise at the time of the coup. The main conspirators were Generals Juan Prim, Francisco Serrano, and Brigadier Juan Bautista Topete. The looting began in Cádiz in 1868.