
The Origin of Islam

  • 570

    Muhammad's Early Life

    Muhammad's Early Life
    The exact day of Muhammad's birthday is unsure but it is said to be in the Islamic month, Rabi' al-awwal. "Muhammad was born into an important family in Mecca around 570" (Burstein and Shek 59 - secondary source). He had a rough childhood seeing that his parents both died; and was raised by his grandfather and uncle. Later on, he managed a caravan buisness and married the woman who owned the buisness.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad Receives God's Message

    Muhammad Receives God's Message
    When Muhammad was about 40 years old, he was mediating in a cave then an angel appeared and told him "'Recite in the name of your lord who created, created man from clots of blood! Recite! Your Lord is the Most Bountiful One, Who by the pen taught man what he did not know'" (Dawood, as cited in Burstein and Shek 60 - primary source). It is believed that it was God speaking through the angel and made Muhammad a prophet. He was afraid for a while but then started telling others.
  • Jan 1, 613

    Muhammad's Early Teachings

    Muhammad's Early Teachings
    "Not all of Muhammad's early teachings were new" (Burstein and Shek 61 - secondary source). Some of Muhammad's tachings were similar to Judaism and Christianity teachings but changed many aspects of life in Arabia. Some of the teachings upset and challenged people. He taught that there is only one God, Allah. Jews, Christians, and Muslims have many similarities but have differences too but Muhammad respected the similar religons.
  • Jan 1, 615

    Muhammad's Early Challenges

    Muhammad's Early Challenges
    Muhammad's teachings were unfamiliar to the Arabs in Mecca, and against their polythesian belief system. Plus the Arab's travel to the Kaaba which got Merchants lots of money. The Merchants of Mecca were against the idea of equality, for they wanted to be above the 'poor people'. "Several of Muhammad's teachings upset many Arabs." "Many wealthy merchants didn't want to help the poor" (Burstein and Shek 62 - secondary source).
  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammad Moves to Medina

    Muhammad Moves to Medina
    Muhammad didn't have many followers at first. "Mecca's merchants refused to believe ina single God and rejected the idea of equality" (Burstein and Shek 63 - secondary source). He was forced to leave Mecca for a little but his teachings eventually started to be accepted. But him and his group were being threatened so he had to find outside support. He was invited to a city north of Mecca and eventually moved to Medina with his followers and family.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Islam Spreads in Arabia

    Islam Spreads in Arabia
    Mecca's rulers were worried about the influence of Islam, and began to threaten Muhammad with violence. Muhammed eventually had to move from Mecca to Medina, and he spread the religion through there as well. Then finally Islam was being accepted all over Arabia, and after some fighting Mecca also gave in and accepted Islam as their religion. "As the Muslim community in Medina grew stronger, other Arab tribes in the region began to accept Islam" (Burstein and Shek 63 - secondary source).