The Mexican-American War

  • The Beginning of the War

    The Beginning of the War
    This is when the Mexican-American War began. The war began because Texas gained its independence from Mexico and, Mexico encouraged border raids on the border of the US and Mexico. The first battle was at fort Rio Grande under the command of General Zachary Taylor. This battle killed about a dozen soldiers.
  • Declaring War on Mexico

    Declaring War on Mexico
    The Congress of the United States has declared war with Mexico. The president that declared war with Mexico was President James K.Polk. This war was because of an argument over Texas being a US or Mexican state. This was done in an official way.
  • The "Bear Flag" Revolt

    The "Bear Flag" Revolt
    The Californians in California arrested a member of the “Bear Flag” revolt of Mexico. Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo is also a Mexican Politician. The Americans make California an independent republic now due to Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo’s arrest.
  • The Battle in Mexico

    The Battle in Mexico
    A US Colonel named Stephen Watts Kearney had taken troops into Mexican territory. They found themselves in the capital of Mexico, Santa Fe. There, the city was deserted and the Americans took advantage of it and made themselves at home. The Americans had finally advanced into Mexican territory.
  • Mexico's President

    Mexico's President
    Santa Anna has already been president for a term. Yet again, he is elected President of Mexico again. This way, he will maintain his hold on the Americans instead of having to pass the information onto another president.
  • Buena Vista Battle

    Buena Vista Battle
    US troops have come face to face with General Santa Anna, the Mexicans President. They met in Buena Vista, Mexico. Here, they fought and America claimed their victory. The General that was there, General Taylor, earned respect and attention for this victory.
  • The Negotiation

    The Negotiation
    A US diplomat named Nicholas Trist is sent by President James Polk to Mexico. Nicholas Trist is being sent to negotiate with Santa Anna. Santa Anna is the President of Mexico. Unfortunately, Nicholas Trist was unable to do so and so, the war continues.
  • The Battle in Mexico City

    The Battle in Mexico City
    General Winfield Scott and his troops are traveling into Mexico City. Here, the Mexican Army is waiting cautiously for the United States Troops to arrive. The American Troops have claimed their victory and occupation of the Capital. This battle is the unofficial end of Mexican-American war. This ended on September 14.
  • The Agreement

    The Agreement
    The US has signed a peace agreement agreeing to assign $15 million to Mexico. California and New Mexico also received money after the war and became US citizens. This was now another extension of the United States.
  • The Peace Treaty

    The Peace Treaty
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed today. The treaty was signed by US and Mexican negotiators. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was ratified in between March and May of 1848.