The Martians Chronicles

By HB301
  • Rocket Summer

    In Ohio, a sudden wave of warmth caused by a rocket brought summer into winter
  • Ylla

    Ella is a martian and she has a vision in a dream of a human coming to Mars. Her husband became jealous so killed the mens from Ylla's vision when it comes true. The mens were from the rocket launched in January on Earth.
  • The summer Night

    Another rocket coming from Earth is approaching, the women and children of Mars begin to sing and speak English. The sangs they sing is received by telepathy from the rocket
  • The Earth Men

    Second expeditions' astronauts arrive on Mars, The Martians murder them.
  • The taxpayer

    A small chapter to explain that a man named Pritchard want to be on the third expedition to Mars so he can escape a atomic war who is approaching
  • The Third Expedition

    A third rocket is sent to Mars. Mars looks now like a place similar to Earth, the crews members don't know why Mars looks so like Earth. Then they learn that they didn't travel to Mars at all : They traveled back in time to 1956 Illinois. A man of the crew recognizes his grandparents, then all the crews members find lost members of their families, during the night all the crew members are murder : It was the Martians who were playing with telepathy
  • And The Moon be still as bright

    A year after the first expedition, a fourth arrive on Mars. They discover old Martians Cities with recent Martian dead bodies, they discover that they die because of Chicken Pox.
    Upset, Spender, who respects Mars began to punch Biggs before disappear and come back murdering some peoples of the crew.
  • The settlers

    There where a few more people who wanted to go on Mars. As time passing more and more people wanted to go.
    Everyone had their own reasons for wanting to leave Earth, their lives, their jobs, their families... They all wanted to get away
  • The green morning

    A man on Mars named Benjamin Driscoll became sick due to a low oxygen level, he was almost send back to Earth but he didn't want to go back so he decided after obtaining the permission to plant trees so that oxygen supply increased. They gave him a motorcycle and some seed and he began to plant them around. The night after it rain for a few hours, in the morning all the seeds had grown and they found a forest.
  • The locust

    More and more people are making the trip to mars. The planet became to change considerably, Mars is quickly molded into something humans are used to.
    This big wave of immigration of 90 000 humans isn't finish...
  • Night Meeting

    Tomas stops for gas and talks with the attendant about the live on mars, after leaving the gas station, thomas meat a martian but thinks it is a dream because the martian says that they aren't dead, the cities aren't destroy and he don't see the rockets. Time conflict ?
  • The shore

    Small chapter were the waves of men who came to mars are shown. It explain that there are two waves of men who came to mars and al of them from America. The rest of the world "was buried in war"
  • The Fire balloons

    A group of priest goes to mars to try to convert and save the alien life from sin.
  • Way up in the middle of the air

    Two young women on Earth discuss their possibilities to travel to Mars. One decide to go but only with the man she loves.
    It show that it's easy to go or not to go on Mars
  • Period: to

    The naming of names

    It explain how names on Mars are formed. Lands' names are made by people and the things people did.
  • The olds Ones

    The old people on earth finally comes to Mars, they are old and have dry wrinkly skin. It explain how it was planned that young Earth Mens go and the old follow behind
  • The luggage store

    The owner of the luggage store heard on the radio that their was going to be a war on Earth. He can believe it. He was told that it was because he wasn't on Earth that he can not believe it.
  • The off season

    Sam Parkhill want to open a stand of Hot Dogs on Mars, he became annoy by a few martian, he finally decide to shoot them, he attempted to run away from the rest of the martians. They actually gave him ownership of half of Mars.
    He is told to watch Earth, he did so and saw a big explosion.
  • The watchers

    Earth Men received a message from earth telling them to come back because a war began and they need help.
  • The silent town

    Walter Gripp think he is the last man on Mars, lonely and desperate he finally meet Miss Genevieve, but he escape because they don't physically match, he prefer to stay lonely.
  • The long year

    Captain Wilder meets Hathaway, he didn't saw him for 20 years and he realizes that his family didn't change since. He learn that Hathaway's family died and he create prototypes of his family.
  • The will come Soft rains

    On a rainy day inside a fully automated house in California, a wall near the garden that has burned. We can see five silhouettes in the house.
    This house is for the women who once lived their
  • The million year picnic

    William Thomas and his family came to mars to start a new life, the family is on a fishing trip but it was a diversion of Thomas to tell his family that Mars his their new Home, that Earth "is gone".
    The Children's are told that now they are Martians.