The line of my life

  • my birth

    On october 28 i was bien in the hospital Parthenon un Bogotá city
  • First school

    I started the school, i was si baby, bit i really liked yo Goong at school zapatitos rojos un Bogotá
  • Change of city

    Changed my life cause i'm had yo leave from Bogotá, yo come living in Barrancabermeja
  • Second grade

    I started the second grade in liceo San Martin de Porres where I learned to see a better person
  • growing

    I finished my primary school I was very excited about what high school would be
  • Bethlemitas

    I came un bethlemitas school todo High school and came un yo Cheerleading real SHARKS
  • Now

    I came in yo BLACK GOLD GYM, i'm 14 years old, and i'm so excited from the future