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The life of Mohandas Gandhi

  • Revolt

    Huge revolt in India that lead to the resentment to the British.
  • The act

    The government of India act was passed and it benefited the British in every way possible.
  • Death of father

    The death of Mohandas Gandhi's father.
  • Brahmacharya

    Gandhi does the Brahmacharya and ends his sexual activity.
  • Unjust taxation

    He led the Kheda Satyagraha because of unjust taxation
  • Amritsar

    The Amritsar massacre took place where British soldiers slaughtered Indians.
  • Non

    Ghandi calls for non cooperation all around India as a form of protest.
  • sedition

    Gandhi is arrested for sedition by the british.
  • Independence

    Ghandi does the declaration of indepdence for India.
  • Returns

    Gandhi returns to India after time away.
  • fast

    Gandhi fast's in protest of the untouchables.
  • avoid

    Gandhi avids politics and travels all throughout India observing.
  • Pass

    The government of India passes the british parliament as one of hte first acts of independence in the country.
  • WWII

    World War 2 begins in Europe.
  • Independence is official

    Independence is official and country is split in two, India and Pakistan.
  • Death

    The death and assasination of Mohandas Gandhi.
  • Chaos

    India explodes into chaos and killing leading Mohandas Ghandi's death.