Frederick douglass1

The life of Frederick Douglass By: Ma Manyitabot

  • Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Born

    Frederick Bailey was born in tuckahoe, near Hills borough in talbot county, Maryland. He was separated from his mother.
  • Frederick Bailey got moved

    1826 Frederick got moved to baltimore
  • Tries to learn reading

    Asks Sophia Auld to teach him his letters. Hugh Auld stops the lessons because he feels that learning makes slaves discontented and rebellious.
  • He was given to Covey

    Hired Out to Edward Covey, a "slave breaker", So he can learn to love slavery
  • Escapes and Marries

    Works in Baltimore shipyards as a caulker. Falls in love with Anna Murray, a free Negro (daughter of slaves).
  • His escape plan was found

    He tried to escape but his plan was discovered. So he stopped and tried to persuade covey he was still normal. So it wouldn't seem like he is trying to go anywhere
  • His daughter is born

    Doughter Rosetta is born. Frederick subscribes to William Garrison's The Liberator. Died 1906
  • Son is born

    Son lewis Henry is born. Died 1908
  • Speaks At Meeting

    Speaks at a meeting of the Bristol Anti-Slavery Society, at the urging of William Lloyd Garrison, Douglass became a lecturer for the American Anti-Slavery Society and travels widely in the East and Midwest teachingt against slavery and campaigning for rights of free african americans/ Blacks
  • The late frederick douglass

    On February 20, Frederick Douglass at Cedar Hill, Anacostia, after attending a women's rights meeting, was struck by a massive heart attack and died at the age of 77. As news of Douglass's death spread throughout the country, crowds gathered at the Washington church where he lay in state to pay their respects. Black public schools closed for the day, and parents took their children for a last look at the famed leader. His wife and children accompanied his body back to Rochester, where he was.