The Liberal Reform

  • Small party

    The liberals were a small party with only 26 seats in parliament and they planned to keep it this way
  • Liberals voted in

    The liberals won a huge victory in the general election of Britain.
  • Free meals for children

    The liberals passed an act as soon as they were in power that allowed (but didnt force) local authorities to give free school meals.
  • Turning attention to medical care

    Every local education authority had to set up a school medical service.
  • Rowntree becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer

    Seebohm Rowntree, friend of the leading liberal MP David Lloyd George became Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1908.
  • Introducing pension

    Introduced pensions meaning people over 70 and with no other source of income was liable to a pension
  • Campaign against unemployment

    They set up their own labour exchanges as part of its campaign against unemployment.