the industrial revolution

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Thomas Newcome created the 1st steam engine to pump water out of coal mines.
  • Seed Drill and Cultivator

    Seed Drill and Cultivator
    Jethro Tull created the seed drill and cultivator to make sure seeds were planted and covered properly.
  • Flying Shuttle

    Flying Shuttle
    John Kay created the flying shuttle to speed up the weaving of cotton.
  • Iron Plow

    Iron Plow
    Robert Ransome created the speed up the time it took to plow the fields for farming.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny speed up the spinning of cotton.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    The power loom is a water powered swindle invented by Edward Cartwright to increase the number of items produced at a time.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney created the cotton gin to increase the supply of cotton.
  • Electric Battery

    Electric Battery
    Alexandro Volta created the first electric battery to power many different things.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Eli Whitney came up with interchangeable parts to guns so that if one piece broke you could just replace one part rather than getting a whole new gun.
  • Steamboat

    Robert Fulton created the 1st steamboat called "The Clermont" to make it much more possible to get things from other countries.
  • Locomotive

    George Stephenson created the 1st locomotive called the rocket that ran on iron rails to make transportation quicker and more accessible.
  • Electric Generator

    Electric Generator
    Michael Farday invented the electric generator to make it possible to power machines without a water source.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    Cyrus McCormick invented the mechanical reaper to make it so people didn't need to harvest crops by hand.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse created the 1st telegraph to make it possible to communicate with others who are not close by.
  • Transatlantic Cable

    Transatlantic Cable
    Cyrus Field invented the transatlantic cable to link the US and England together, to make communication with one another possible.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Grambell created the telephone to make speaking to others far away easier and more efficient.
  • Light bulb

    Light bulb
    Thomas Edison is credited for inventing the light bulb to make it possible to see at night without a fire.
  • Diesel Engine

    Diesel Engine
    Rudolph Diesel created the diesel engine to power larger vehicles.
  • Airplane

    Orville and Wilbur Wright created the fist airplane to make traveling quicker than it had ever been.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    Henry Ford created the first assembly line to speed up the process of making any certain item. In this case the item was a car.