The History of the UK Monarach and Parliament

By nekogm
  • Sep 30, 1215

    Magna Carta Signed

    The Magna Carta was signed. It was created to regulate the power of the Monarch through a group of nobles which would spell the end to the absolute monarchy in England
  • Period: Sep 30, 1532 to Sep 30, 1536

    Protestant Reformation

    King Henry VII seperated from the Rome and established the Anglican Church. The Catholic church in England quickly lost its once great power
  • British Civil War

    The English Civil war broke out and then climaxed with the trial and subsequent execution of Charles I. Thus, the monarchy was abolished (for the time being) and replaced with a Commonwealth then a Protectorate
  • Monarchy Comes Back

    The monarchy comes back to England in the form of Charles II. This event ends the Protectorate and Commonwealth that was established during the English Civil war
  • British Bill of Rights

    The British Bill of Rights is created. It sets the ground rules for the responsibilites and restrictions of botht eh Monarch and Parliament and is the precursor for subsequent Bill of Rights
  • The Last Instance when the Monarch Says "No"

    This year marks the last time in British history where a monarch has rejected an act of Parliament. The power to do so has never been outlawed, but has never been used since this date
  • Period: to

    Robert Wapole and the Prime Ministership

    Robert Wapole became the de facto leader of the Cabinet, which transformed into the position of Prime Minister. He was credited to be the very first one
  • Great Reform Act

    When passed, this act allowed more than just the nobles to vote in elections. This is just a step towards full suffrage however.
  • Reform Act of 1867

    Again, wider suffrage is granted, but is still limited to men. It is still a step towards democracy
  • Period: to

    Representation of Peoples Act

    This act finally grants suffrage to all adult males. It is important to note that most of the men of this day were part of the working class and thus politics revolved around them
  • Women's Suffrage in Britain

    Women are allowed to vote in Britain, but it is limited to older women, leaving many more women without voting rights
  • Strikes from Unions Begin

    Unions, like the Trades Union Congress, begin halting work and striking for more rights
  • Full Women'ts Suffrage

    Full women's suffrage is issued since the age minimum is lowered to be on par with male suffrage.
  • Beveridge Report

    Under orders from Churchill, the Beveridge Report is created to establish the British welfare state. the beginnings of the Collectivus Concensus also start with the creation of the welfare state
  • Margaret Thatcher

    The "Iron Lady" becomes Prime Minister and begins to cut the welfare state created over 3 decades ago. While she succeeds in cutting the welfare state to a large degree, the NHS still stands
  • David Cameron is Elected

    David Cameron of the Conservative party is elected as Prime Minister, ending Tony Blair and the Labour party's control of the government