The History of the Internet


    ARPANET, the first network that linked computers, was instituted at Stanford and UCLA
  • Unix created

    In 1969, Unix, the basis for several modern programming languages, was first created for use on the earliest computer networks.
  • The word Internet First used

    After much testing in California, the word "internet" is first applied to the networks used to share information between universities.
  • The First Modems

    Throughout 1977, several versions of modems were created to connect computers through phone lines.
  • Domain Names

    In 1984, domain names were developed in an attempt to make the few web sites that existed easier to find.
  • First websites become available

    National Science Foundation allows access to supercomputer sites for use in universities and research organizations
  • Internet moves Overseas

    In the late '80s, the internew was made available in Europe and Asia more and more, though there were still restrictions put in place by the National Science Foundation
  • First Web Page

    The first email sends the user to the first webpage, which simply explains what the World Wide Web is.
  • Commercial Internet Service Available

    Throughout the early part of the 1990s, the Internet became available on a more commercial scale.
  • Mosaic

    The first graphical web browser, Mosaic, was released in 1993 but wasnt widely available.
  • The World Wide Web Consortium

    In 1994 the World Wide Web Consortium came together to create better standards fot the net after the NSF would relinquish control
  • Internet becomes commercial

    In 1995 the NSA finally ended the last restrictions on the internet and made it an entirely commercial enterprise.
  • Commercial Companies Take Over

    Throughout 1995 the companies AOL, CompuServe, and Prodigy came in to take over the internet.
  • Microsoft Joins In

    With the release of Windows 98 came the release of Internet Explorer, which was used as one of the biggest browsers for several years to come.
  • Google

    In 1998 Google went live and went on to revolutionize the way people search the web.
  • Web 2.0

    2004 saw the first "Web 2.0" sites appear. Theses ites are driven by rich media and are characterized by haveing a high level of user interactivity.