The history of music

By anirudh
  • phongraph

    In 1877 the first phongraph was invented by Thomas Edison.
  • Period: to

    history of music

  • Gramophone

    10 years after the phonogrph was invented in 1887. Emil Berline came up with the gramophone. He was the first inventor to stop recording on cylinders and start recording on flat discs or records.
  • Victrola Modle

    In 1906 the victrolord a modle record player was introduced by RCA victrola.
  • LPS

    LPS (long playing record also known as alblums were invented in 1948. The 33/13 LP was released in colombia record.
  • Multitrack records

    In 1962 Multitrack analog tape records tape records began in recording studios. The idea of Multitrack records and experiment started in 1940 gutarist,inventor and composer les paul.
  • Cassete tapes

    1963 Phillips develops a compact stereo cassete tapes and player. The cassete tape became the most popular form of music media for several years.
  • compact discs

    Compact discs or cds were introduced in Japan. The first city relesed was "Billy Jones " 50 second street.One year later in 1983 cds were released in the united states of amarica.