The History of Early Childhood Education

By MH101
  • John Amos Comenius

    John Amos Comenius
    John Comenuis was known for the first picture book. His first attempt wasn't published but was written in 1631. The Orbis Pictus was published in 1658. He believed that education should begin at a young age.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    John Locke was know for naming the mind as a "blank tablet". He believed that are minds are developed by environment and experiences. He argued that the "associations of ideas" that we make when we are young are more important than those made later because they form the foundation of the self.
  • John Dewy

    John Dewy
    John Dewy was very successful in his role with redirecting the course of education. His theory was based around "education is the process of living". His argument was "real life situations is more productive than memorizing multiplication tables" His first education theories were presented in 1897. We use his method of learning today, Problem Based Learning.
  • Jean Piaget

    Jean Piaget
    Jean Piaget's theory is based on a constructive approach in which he believes children seek knowledge and learn through cognitive development. We develop in stages which take place from birth through adulthood.
  • Abraham Maslow

    Abraham Maslow
    Is know for developing a theory called self-actualization which ensures that they learn at their own pace. This can be accomplished by providing the children with: Aesthetic needs can be done by a pleasing environment. Achievement and Prestige is done by finding the strengths in every child. Belonging and Love is felt by genuinely caring for the children. Safety and Security is a safe and dependable classroom. Life Essentials is simply providing them with snacks in the classroom.
  • Erik Erikson

    Erik Erikson
    quotes " cognitive and social development occur simultaneously and can not be separated". His theory was formed on the social influences due to personalities.
  • Urie Bronfrenner

    Urie Bronfrenner
    Believes children develop in a system of relationships. The microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and the chronosystem. These environments affect the child's development through: parents, family, peers, interactions, influences, cultures, customs, violence and behavior. Children learn and react to their surrounding environments.
  • Howard Gardner

    Howard Gardner
    Is best know for his theory of multiple intelligence's. He identifies these intelligence's into 8 categories: linguistic, logic-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily/ kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. He believes humans have different ways to process information and everyone learns and feels "smart" on an individual basis.