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The History of Cellphones

  • First Cellphone released

    First Cellphone released
    The first cellphone was released by Motorola on April 3, 1973.
  • First iPhone released

    First iPhone released
  • First Android released

    First Android released
    The first Android is released shortly after the iPhone, on November 11, 2007.
  • Samsung Mobile released

    Samsung Mobile released
    The Samsung Mobile is released (Samsung Galaxy series) from Android on June 29, 2009.
  • Apple releases first iPad

    Apple releases first iPad
    Apple release the first iPad; on April 3, 2010; which would go on to revolutionize using Apple products for education purposes.
  • Apple releases the first Apple Watch

    Apple releases the first Apple Watch
    The first model of the Apple Watch is released on April 24, 2015.
  • Future iPhone releases

    Future iPhone releases
    The iPhone 12 is projected to be released in September of 2020.
  • Cellphones in the Classroom

    Cellphones in the Classroom
    The argument of 'Cellphones in the Classroom' is an ongoing discussion today. Students, Teachers, and Parents discuss whether the good outweighs the bad, in the advocacy for cellphones in the classroom. If educated correctly, classrooms today can greatly benefit from the use of technology and cellphones in the classroom.
  • Impact of Technology for Students

    Impact of Technology for Students
    Students are able to easily adapt to technology in their life, in and out of the classroom. Technology becomes a new means for education in the students life, but also becomes a difficult distraction for many to overcome. Things such as the Apple Watch and iPhones create immediacy for the student, and therefore increases distraction in the classroom.
  • Impact of Technology for Teachers

    Impact of Technology for Teachers
    Teachers have had to drastically adapt to the constant changes in technology throughout the years. Teachers learn how to use technology, such as iPads, in order to enhance student learning.