The Fall of the Romanian Republic

  • 144

    Death of Julius Caesar

    Death of Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar got killed which ended his reign over the Roman Republic.
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    Octavian takes power

    Octavian takes power
    Octavian takes power after Caesar died.
  • 164

    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    The fire spread quickly and burned for six days. Only 4 out of the 14 Romanian districts survived the fire.
  • 340

    Start of the Latin War 340 BC - 338 BC

    Start of the Latin War 340 BC - 338 BC
    Latin didn't want a centeral government.
  • Nov 29, 732

    The Rise of Rome

    The Rise of Rome
    Rome Finally became a civilization.
  • Caesar crosses the Rubicon on 49 BC

    Caesar crosses the Rubicon on 49 BC
    Julius Caesar passes the point of no return.