The evolution of woman rights

  • right to vote

    The movement for the right of women to participate in government and in the development of laws began. It was impressive, since such a rebellion had never happened in women.
  • Reproductive control

    Reproductive rights, that is, those related to sexual reproduction and reproductive health,were first discussed as a subcategory of human rights at the United Nations International Conference on Human Rights.
  • rape and sexual slavery

    The United Nations made the historic decision to classify rape as a crime of genocide included in international law. The violation was first recognized as a crime against humanity when the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia issued arrest warrants under the Geneva Convention and the Laws of war.
  • A legendary convention

    The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women for the Legal Implementation of the Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
  • situation of women study

    Newsweek published a study on the rights and quality of life of women in several countries of the world. The factors that were taken into account were the legal situation, health and sanitary conditions, education, economic options and political power.