
The End of World War I

  • US declares war to Germany

    The United States dissolves its neutrality and joins the war on the side of the Allies.
  • Period: to

    Second Battle of Marne

    The Americans helped to throw the Germans out of Paris. This resulted in a win for the allies.
  • 3rd Battle of Ypres begins

    3rd Battle of Ypres begins
    This was an attack fron the British. Th destroyed German Submarine locatedon the north coast of Belgium. picture
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    Offensives of the US

    After winning the second battle of the Marne, the US army started fighting the Germans offensively. After three years of trench warfare, with fighting from the underground and without much success in gaining land, the Americans managed to throw the Germans more and more back.
  • Russia pulls out of the War

    The Russians and the Germans signed an armistice. By doing that Russia also declared its retreat from the war.
    As a result, Germany shifted their army from the eastern front to the western front in France to focus with the entire power on battles at that front.
  • US declares war to Austria-Hungary

  • German navy mutinied

    It all started when the german naval command wanted to lead one last attack against the British navy to save theirs. The sailors, though, thought of it like a suicide-mission so they refused five times with the results that thousands got arrested. This led to the german navy being unstable and happened to be the beginning of the end.
  • Austria-Hungary surrenders

    Austria-Hungary surrenders to Allies.
  • Mutiny in Kiel/Germany

    Mutiny in Kiel/Germany
    After the the german navy on sea refused to fight one last time against the british navy, the rebellion swapped over to the Kiel harbor where sailors and workmen mutinied against the government authorities. picture
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    November revolution

    After the mutiny in Kiel, it spred all over Germany with rebellions in Bremen, lubeck and Munich. The Germans wanted the war to end. The British Blockade resulted in millions of Germans starving and the army got more and more thrown back by the Allies. With the pressure of the protests the Kaiser finally gave up the throne on November 9.
  • The German Kaiser abdictates

    The German Kaiser abdictates
    The day that Kaiser Wilhelm ll abdicates, a revolution in Berlin leads to the establishment of a german republic by socialist leaders while Phillip Scheidemann called out a german republic. picture
  • End of WW1

    Germany oficially surrenders and signs armistice with the Allies.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Terms of the Treaty of VersaillesGermany admitted to being the cause of the war. They took all of the blame and were pepared for the consequences.