The Early USA: From George Washington to Andrew Jackson

By ZaneA
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    George Washington Presidency

    George Washington gets elected as the first USA President under The Constitution, setting a high standard for future Presidents. Events During Presidency: -French Revolution begins (1789) -Bank of the U.S. is created (1791) -France declares war on Great Britain (1793) -Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
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    John Adams Presidency

    Following in George Washington's footsteps, John Adams was elected 2nd USA President, under the Federalist party. Events During Presidency: -Undeclared naval war between U.S. and France (ended 1800) -Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) (Other on Timeline)
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    During John Adam's presidency, trying to reform the trust between the USA and France, the USA had a meeting with France, in which France had multiple demands to fix the relationship between the two countries, known as the XYZ Affair. The XYZ Affair made the USA more nationalist and scared of other countries, which ultimately led to a naval war between the USA and France and the Alien and Sedition Acts.
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    Thomas Jefferson Presidency

    Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd USA President, under the Republican party. Events During Presidency: -Marbury v. Madison/doctrine of judicial review (date unknown) -Marbury v. Madison/doctrine of judicial review (date unknown) -Embargo Act (1807) -Non-Intercourse Act (1809)
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The USA purchased Louisiana from France for $15 million. Back then, Louisiana stretched west from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains. Thomas Jefferson then sent Lewis and Clark to explore the new land.
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    James Madison Presidency

    James Madison was elected as the 4th USA President, under the Republican party. Events During Presidency: -Non-Intercourse Act (1809) -Bank of U.S. dissolved (1811) -War of 1812 (1812) -Treaty of Ghent (1814) -Battle of New Orleans (1815)
  • Britain Captures Washington D.C. and Burns Down The White House

    Britain Captures Washington D.C. and Burns Down The White House
    During the War of 1812, British troops entered and captured Washington D.C. and burned down The White House.
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    James Monroe Presidency

    James Monroe was elected 5th USA President, under the Republican party. Events During Presidency: -Era of Good Feelings (1816) -The Monroe Doctrine (1823)
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    This compromise, created following Missouri's wanting to join the USA as a slave state, stated that Missouri could join as a slave state if Maine joined as a free state. It also banned slavery in new states formed north of the 36 degrees 30' latitude line.
  • Democratic Party Created

    Democratic Party Created
    The Democratic Party was formed by Andrew Jackson.
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    John Quincy Adams Presidency

    John Quincy Adams was elected 6th USA President, under the Federalist party. Events During Presidency: -End of property ownership requirement to vote (1828) -Political parties begin holding nominating conventions (1828)
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    Andrew Jackson Presidency

    Andrew Jackson was elected 7th USA President, under the Democratic party. Events During Presidency: -Indian Removal Act (1830) -V.P. Calhoun argues for states’ rights (unknown date)