The Directory Phase

By Sam2015
  • Constitution of Year III

    This Constitution established the Directory and this would be the most democratic government of france during the Revolution. It lasted the longest as well ( almost 5 Years).
  • Dissolving the National Convention

    On this day the National Convention is dissolved and the Directory takes over.
  • Marrige of Napolean and Josephine

    Napolean and Josephine marry. Napoleans new status makes him a general in the French Army.
  • Coup d'Etat at Paris

    The republicans overthrew the reactionaries to bring france into a republic format.
  • Battle of the Nile

    major naval battle fought between the British Royal Navy and the Navy of the French Republic at Aboukir Bay on the Mediterranean coast off Egypt from 1 to 3 August 1798
  • Alliance Between Russia and Britain

    Russia and England form an alliance against the French
  • Russia withdraws from coalition

    It is exactly as the name sounds Russia withdrew from the coalition against france.