The Development of Organizational Communication

  • Scientific Management

    -Frederick Taylor, the father of Scientific Management.
    -Emphasizes organizational design, worker training for efficiency, chains of command and division of labor.
    -Organizations can be scientifically designed and developed.
    -Time and Motion.
    -Henri Fayol created broad principles of management to be used for business.
  • Principles of Scientific Management

    -Classic work by Frederick Taylor.
    -Lacking systematic managment leads to inefficienty in the workplace
  • Bureacracy

    -Max Weber, father of Bureacracy
    -Three types of authority: charasmatic, traditional and burecratic.
    -Organizations built on formalized rules, regulations, and procedures.
    -Authority is rational.
  • General and Industrial Management

    -Henri Fayol
    -14 principles of management viewed as essential for effective organization